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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Religious Philosophy

Master of Religious Philosophy at ULC Seminary

I found this to be an extremely fascinating subject. It has opened my eyes to different concepts and educated me in facts that I was unaware of. The course was written in a way that educate rather than dictate to someone. I found that very helpful in that father then telling me what I was to think you simply gave me the facts and allowed me to determine what I felt was relevant.

I discovered that there are more then 5,000 religions in the world according to the United Nations. I was unaware that that many religions existed on the planet.

I discovered the 5 elements that are used to differentiate a cult from a religion.

(a) Does the group have a charismatic, powerful leader(s)?

(b) Does it display a group mentality that denies individuality and personal, independent thoughts?

(c) Is there a denial of intimacy by excluding or alienating friends or relatives?

(d) Do they apply financial pressure and abuse for the welfare of the group, even at the personal expense of the adherent?

(e) Is there a separation and isolation from the surrounding community?

I never knew the guidelines that were utilized to determine the difference between cults and religions. I found them very interesting

I found the investigation into the study of man and religion dating back to the Neanderthal to modern man very interesting. The rituals that were practiced seemed compelling that indeed man has had a belief in religion for quite some time.

I was amazed to learn that there were in fact four faiths, Individualistic faith, Communal faith, Shamanistic faith and Ecclesiastical faith. As do most individuals I presumed that faith and religion were as one. With the examples that were given it made more of an impact and thus educated me into thinking in a different way.

I found it fascinating how different religions viewed each other. Between the Christians, Hinduism, Buddhism and so on. For example the fact that other religions view Christians as believing in more then one god was fascinating to me. I had always thought of one God. However in viewing the example given that it could easily be viewed as; the father, the son and the holy ghost. I can see how other religions could come to those conclusions.

I thought that the 5 A’s of religions was interesting, Awareness, Acknowledgment, Acceptance and Amalgamation. I had not though of other religions in that way but when it is broken down it make sense. Between those and the four religious expressions, Myth, Doctrine, Scripture and Sacred Space they make for very interesting reading.

I found it difficult to decipher the code in chapter 11. I can now see the difficulty in not only deciphering the writing but how a simply grammatical error could change the entire context.

One of the most interesting facts that I learned and am still in awe over is that the story of Noah was in fact told by the Sumerians nearly 2000 years before the Hebrews ever wrote it. This does through an interest though into the study of the bible. If you read the bible and except it at face value without the knowledge that there may be different interpretations are you truly getting the facts?

After studying this course I was I came away from it with a different outlook on religion. My beliefs have changed and as someone once said once a mind has been opened it can never be closed.

I thank you for the education and knowledge that you have given me.


Rev. Ronald D. Lance


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