A no-nonsense way to get the results you want...
So SIMPLE, POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE you can toss aside all
the self-improvement programs you have ever purchased
Dear Friend,
If you don't already know me, let me give you a quick introduction of who I am and what I do…
My name is Dr, Robert Anthony. I am a best-selling author, Master Hypnotist, International Trainer, and Personal Performance Consultant. Over the past 25 years I've trained and worked with thousands of people, helping them to overcome obstacles that have held them back and create the lives they've always dreamed of. I believe I can help you too.
You will learn more about me later, but for now just sit back and relax and allow me to share some important life-changing information with you. If you cannot see and feel the power behind what I am about to reveal, then this is not for you. If you can, then your life is about to change dramatically. Either way, you will make the 'right' decision for yourself.
Before I share The Secret of Deliberate Creation I will like to take a few minutes to set the record straight. I think you need to know this before you consider what I have to offer.
Over the past five years, since the "Secret" was published, dozens of manifestation "experts" and "gurus" have showed up on the scene. Everyone is cashing in on promoting the "Law of Attraction" by offering "manifestation" books, seminars and audio programs.
I think it is important to go on record that I have been teaching the "Law of Attraction" and Manifestation "Secrets" for over 25 years. This is nothing new to me. In fact, you can check it out. I have written fifteen books on different aspects of manifestation and the Law of Attraction which have been published since 1980!
No, I wasn't in the "Secret", but it is not because I was not asked. In fact, I was the first person Rhonda Byrnes approached for the project. She personally emailed me and said I was her first choice. She also acknowledges me in the introduction of the book.
However, for reasons I prefer to keep private I declined to be part of the project. Now that the dust has cleared, I believe it was the right decision. This is a real story... and I can guarantee you it is genuine and true.
Millions of people who have read my books and have used my programs know that I don't mince words. I am very direct, but I get results. This is what I want for you. I want you to get the results you desire. I also want to earn your business by delivering the most effective and workable Deliberate Creation program on the market. No fluff and No filler. Just amazing results – if you take the time to use the program as instructed.
"When I first listened to the Secret of Deliberate Creation I could not believe what I was hearing. It is like someone hitting you on the head with a two-by-four! I learned more from this program than all the self-improvement stuff I have ever read or heard. There is so much information that you need to listen to them many times over."
-- Tom Console, Scottsdale Arizona
The Truth About Manifesting Your Desires...
To be perfectly honest, most of what is being taught about "Manifestation" and the "Law of Attraction" borders on metaphysical malpractice.
After listening to the manifestation experts you may have been led to believe that all you have to do to "manifest your dreams" is to set your intention, send out positive thoughts, and believe the Universe will magically provide it for you. You are then told to keep repeating this process until the manifestation has happened.
I'm here to tell you that if you do this, you will be very disappointed. This is where books and programs like the "Secret" are insufficient. While it is important to set your intention, think positively and have a strong belief, it only represents a fraction of what you must do to deliberately create the things you desire.
"I purchased your Secret of Deliberate Creation out of frustration because none of the otherself-help material I purchased over years gets results. However, something just "clicked" while listening to your program for just two weeks! My life changed forever and I can now manifest anything I desire. Thank you for helping me to focus my life in the right direction.
-- Kirk Fowler – Las Vegas, Nevada |
Manifestation is About Alignment...
Before we go any further, let's clarify what "alignment" really means because I see people using this term without really explaining it. Alignment occurs on two levels:
- Alignment with the Laws of Quantum Physics – In short, in the world of Quantum Physics - like thoughts (positive or negative) attract their equivalent or vibrational match. Whatever you focus on with intensity and emotion will set the Universe in motion to bring that into your life.
- Conscious and Subconscious Alignment – Your Conscious desires and your Subconscious intention must be in alignment. If you Conscious Mind wants one thing and your Subconscious Mind wants something else (counter-intention) it is impossible to create what you want. It's that simple.
The Secret of Deliberate Creation focuses on helping you get what you want by using multiple strategies that automatically bring you into alignment with your goal, thereby attracting the results you desire.
Some Tough Questions... What stands between you and having what you want? Be honest. A lack of education? A toxic marriage? A bad divorce? You have no relationship and can't find anyone? A problem employer? You are stuck in a job you hate? Be honest. A medical condition? A weight problem? A lack of money? Be rigorously honest.
I'm proposing that the real reason that you don't have what you want is because you are creating your life unconsciously by DEFAULT instead of consciously by DESIGN. Most of the time you are blocking the deliberate creation process because your conscious messages and your unconscious messages are in conflict.
Am I saying that you are deliberately or consciously sabotaging yourself? Absolutely not; but I am saying that through limited, mostly unconscious beliefs, and negative, unexamined habitual patterns, you are creating your life by DEFAULT.
You cannot achieve success by simply slapping positive thoughts on top of a lifetime of negative expectations. You need to uncover and release the unconscious obstacles and habitual patterns that hold you back from creating the life you desire. The Secret of Deliberate Creation is designed to do this for you.
The focus of The Secret of Deliberate Creation is about collapsing the limiting beliefs and unconscious habitual patterns that stand between you and what you want.
Once you become "conscious" about what is truly happening in your life and why you don't have what you want, you are destined to live a life that is free of fear, doubt and worry. One in which you feel happy and rejoice soundly in the knowledge that you are meant to thrive; not struggle. A life Consciously Chosen and Deliberately Created that puts you into a "state" of unlimited possibility instead of a state of limitation and unfulfilled desires.
Taking Control of Your Life... In What we are talking about is taking control of your life. Let's use a car analogy. Cars have driver's seats and passenger seats. Passengers have no power or control over what happens in the car. Drivers have all the power and control. When you are an Unconscious Creator, you are in the passenger seat. But when you become a Conscious Deliberate Creator, you have the opportunity to jump into the driver's seat and take control of your life.
When you do that, you will be guided to the right people, circumstances, conditions and opportunities that are in alignment with what you truly desire. Once you collapse the limited beliefs and habitual patterns that have you locked into limitation, you will KNOW at a very deep inner level that you will never have to worry about creating anything you desire again.
I will be honest with you. For most of my life I struggled with money issues. Earning it, not handling it properly, not having what I felt was enough, living in fear of losing it - were all issues in my life at one time or another.
When I was first introduced to the idea of Deliberate Creation, it was just an intellectual concept. When I tried to apply that concept to money, it scared the heck out of me.
Despite how much I knew at a deep inner level about being in alignment, I still lived in financial fear. And those fears kept me from applying what I KNEW was the Truth. So I was in a trap. I had all the information I needed to be free, but I just could not get myself to DO IT. And as the saying goes, if you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting.
Then one day I had a revelation. Something inside of me said, "Robert, as long as you intellectually understand about Deliberate Creation but don't actually start trusting it, what you are really saying is that there is no such thing. And so you continue to feed your financial limitations. The end result is that you will never experience financial freedom. Like the trapeze artist in the circus, you must let go of one trapeze in order to reach the other."
In other words I was told to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. It was at that point I decided follow – to the letter - what I will teach you in The Secret of Deliberate Creation.
There are no words that can express the freedom I experienced once I let go and trusted the process. I trusted my Subconscious Mind and the principles of Quantum Physics to lead me to the right people, circumstances, conditions and opportunities that would turn my financial life around.
Again, I will be perfectly honest. I had a few setbacks in the beginning, but I decided that this either works or it doesn't. I needed to KNOW for SURE. So I took a breath and chose to be consistent in applying the principles. I was consistent in KNOWING and ACTING that my Subconscious Mind and the Laws of Quantum Physics were at work and that money would never be an issue for me again. And from that point on, money has flowed freely into my life from every direction!
What I was doing was not the same as "fake it until you make it". The reason I was able to make the transition I just described is that I reclaimed my power. I finally realized that the flow of whatever I desire is always there if I choose to be part of it. As you will learn, that choice is always yours.
Playing the Game of Life to Win Through this very same process you can Deliberately Create a successful business, more sales, a beautiful home, education for your children, fulfilling relationships or anything else you desire.
However, Deliberate Creation is not something that you can just accept intellectually. That was my problem in the beginning. I understood it intellectually, but I did not ACT on my beliefs.
There are two kinds of people:
- Those who play the game of life TO WIN. (Take Action on what they KNOW.)
- Those who play the game of life to NOT TO LOSE. (Keep collecting more information and avoid taking Action.)
I fell into the second category. I had all the information I needed, but I did not take action.
This is the reason why most people do not have what they want. Their true or hidden goal is not to get what they want, but to avoid failure and disappointment. So they do nothing. They just read and study and accumulate more information.
You always have a choice. You can play the game of life to AVOID LOSING and live an unstable, stressful life of limitation in which, no matter how much you read and study this stuff, you will never CONSISTENTLY get what you want, or..…
You can play the game of life to WIN and DO WHAT YOU KNOW. When you do, your life will no longer be about survival, but about experiencing joy and abundance and creating anything you desire regardless of your current circumstances, the economy or any other perceived obstacle.
Putting Together the Pieces of the Puzzle The results I achieved came about because I have been a seeker all of my life. I am also a good researcher so I have read and studied about everything that has ever been written on the subject of success and deliberate creation. It has been a bit like assembling a giant jigsaw puzzle.
My intention was to put the pieces together for my clients so they did not have to take as long as I did to "get it". After several years of putting the pieces of the puzzle together, I created The Secret of Deliberate Creation program.
Once you understand and follow The Secret of Deliberate Creation as I have it laid out for you – you can live in a natural state that allows you to easily and effortlessly create and attract an unlimited amount of abundance in your life with no stress and no worries.
A Simple, Easy, Effective Process For Rapid Change
The thing you will probably struggle with the most is the idea that you can change your life quickly. In fact, most therapists are trained to believe "it takes a long time to change".
The problem is when we buy into the "it takes a long time to change" mentality it makes things more difficult for ourselves.
We are also programmed with the "no pain no gain" mentality. If you are programmed enough like that, it builds up and your life becomes a struggle.
You don't have to struggle or "work hard" to get what you want. That is just another belief system. The fact of the matter is that the people who are the happiest; the people who are the most successful personally and financially, do not struggle or work hard.
Applying the principles in The Secret of Deliberate Creation to make rapid changes in your life is a simple and easy process.
If it is that simple, I guess it begs the question; why does this program have six hours of instruction? Good question!
The reason I have included six hours of instruction is that there is a world of difference between KNOWING how to do something and actually DOING it. We don't do what we know because our Subconscious mind resists change. If the Subconscious mind is not convinced the change is possible and safe, it will not allow the change to be made. The Subconscious holds all the cards.
So my job is twofold. First, I must "convince" your Conscious or logical mind how and why this works. After your Conscious mind accepts the "logic" of how and why it works, it will allow the information to enter your Subconscious.
Permanent and lasting change requires that both the logical (Conscious) and emotional (Subconscious) mind are in alignment. To do this I use several techniques to make SURE that this happens.
Second, after aligning your Conscious and Subconscious mind I will give you simple instructions on how to use the information to create anything you desire. With everything in place, your Subconscious will align your intentions with the principles of Deliberate Creation through the use of Quantum Physics (Law of Attraction) and you can create whatever you desire in an easy stress-free manner.
And, it's a repeatable process. It is not hit or miss. You can do it over and over again.
Though I own literally hundreds of spoken-word audio courses, I don't ever remember taking the time to write a testimonial. But I had to this time. Excellence of this extraordinary degree demands acknowledgment, respect and, most of all, gratitude.
The only way I can describe it to someone who thinks this is just another self improvement program is this:
Imagine what romance, adventure, excitement and sheer fun would suddenly flood into your life if you stumbled across a real-life treasure map. Imagine further that this treasure map leads you, step by easy step, to one of the world's richest gold hoards, buried right in your own neighborhood. If you take just a moment to imagine those feelings vividly right now, you'll be getting close to the feelings this program ushers into your life as soon as you get into it.
This is the real thing, life's ultimate Treasure Map, the most reliable, easiest-to-follow map anyone can possess to find every treasure he or she desires in life, whether that treasure be gold, love, health or anything else that adds richness to life.
I thought "Think and Grow Rich," the book that launched a million millionaires, was the landmark work in this field. It has now been surpassed by "The Secret of Deliberate Creation," the new king of the hill in making dreams come true and manifesting one's desires, purely with the power of thought. Thoughts really do have wings.
Without this program, a person can spend years, even decades, drilling dry holes and burrowing down barren shafts, reaping only dust. With it, that same person will be guided straight to the mother lode, literally at the speed of thought. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
-- Gary Bencivenga, Accountable Advertising, Garden City, NY |
So Powerful That You Can "Certify" Your Success
It's no secret that 95% of all "Self-Improvement" efforts fail. The primary reason for this is something we touched on earlier. Most people never go beyond information to achieve results.
How can you know for SURE that the principles you are studying actually work and get results? The answer is simple; you must find a way to "certify" your success.
What do I mean by certify? No philosophy or teaching should ever be accepted by anyone (including what I teach) unless you can certify its validity in your own life.
How can you do that? You take small steps and prove it out for yourself.
This is why I offer my…..
"Quick Start Guarantee"
With every copy of The Secret of Deliberate Creation I offer my Quick Start Guarantee. It is very simple. My Quick Start Guarantee is a self-proving process that will allow you to rapidly earn your original investment back and manifest the cost of program, or you can ask for a refund.
In other words, if you cannot manifest the cost of the program, how can you possibly expect to manifest anything else? It makes no sense!
Rather than trying to manifest $10,000 or a new car as soon as you finish the program, why not use the exact same principles and manifest the entire cost of this program first? What's the point of trying to manifest $10,000 or a new car if you cannot manifest the cost of the program first within a reasonable period of time?
I want you to certify your success as a Deliberate Creator. Besides paying for the entire cost of the program with ease... you will also prove to yourself that this is the real deal...
The Quick Start Program will show you how to do just that. You will receive five instruction cards with precise instructions on how to manifest the cost of this program. Plus you will receive a rapid manifestation audio CD to walk you through it step-by-step... I will be there with you each day as your personal coach...
And here's the point... in reality there is no difference between manifesting the cost of this program or $10,000 or more. But I will show you how to walk before you run... Once you have absolute confidence -- there will be no stopping you...
Still not sure? Let me put you at ease.
My 365 Day Unconditional Guarantee
I'm so confident The Secret of Deliberate Creation will transform your life... financially, emotionally, in every area... that I'm willing to take all the risk, and lay bare my most prized work for the taking...
In addition to the Quick Start Guarantee of recovering the cost of the program, I also guarantee that this program will work for anyone who actually uses it. I know that it is impossible to fail if you follow the simple steps. It is impossible not to get results because that would be the first time in history that these principles have failed.
That's why I offer my 365 Day Unconditional Guarantee. The only way this program can "fail", is if you fail to apply it to your life. However, if you find you are not totally thrilled with the results… I'll refund your full purchase price on the spot. No questions asked. No hard feelings, either. Just return your product in good resalable condition, and you'll receive a full refund.
I am making this offer because I know that once you use The Secret of Deliberate Creation and FINALLY get the results you desire, you would almost certainly want to show your appreciation and want to do something nice for me.
If you could earn more money in the next three, six or twelve months than you did last year, improve your relationships and have a happier and richer life from using this program, would you tell your friends about it? Of course you would! That's the law of reciprocity at work. If you're happy, then I will also prosper. I know this is true because half of my business comes from client referrals.
Okay, you are probably wondering "What's this going to cost me?" Here's the deal. It is simple and straightforward.
How to Get Your Copy of
The Secret of Deliberate Creation ____________________________________________________________________________ |
 | Attractive Six CD Boxed Set: "The Secret of Deliberate Creation" is available for immediate dispatch for $167 plus $10 shipping and handling. Normally priced at $225, you save 25% by ordering NOW... - Plus, you will also receive: "The Secret of Deliberate Creation - Quick Start Program" which guarantees you will create the money to cover the entire cost of this program...
- Plus the Total Success Library including 7 of my best selling books and the Intention Activator software...is worth well over $300, and is yours FREE -- for ordering NOW...
It doesn't get any better than this!
A Mercedes-Benz costs more than a regular car, right? And there's good reason for it. I own a Mercedes because they put the best available engineering and design into it. It is one of the safest and most technologically advanced cars in the world. And on top of that, they add their own innovations that most other auto manufactures end up copying.
I've also spent years researching this material and putting together the cutting edge of everything that's out there to bring you the Mercedes-Benz of All Manifestation Programs.
I've worked with thousands of people directly… and impacted millions of lives over 25 years. What I'd like to put in your hands today is my most powerful work to date.
The Secret of Deliberate Creation is a program that's designed specifically for generating the rapid life-changing results you are looking for.
Trust me -- I know what's out there. You can go online right now and spend half as much or three times as much money on programs that won't contain half as much useful information as you'll find in The Secret of Deliberate Creation. It doesn't get any better than this. I promise you that!
Right NOW Could Be a Turning Point in Your Life
One of the overreaching principles of success is the power of "Now". The fact is that nothing ever happens tomorrow -- things only happen RIGHT NOW. Tomorrow is an illusion.
So you may think that you'll get around to this tomorrow, but how likely is that? If you're not where you want to be RIGHT NOW in your relationships, finances and personal success, it's because you've postponed taking care of that part of your life.
Why keep on doing it? Why postpone getting the keys to your fulfillment another day, when you can acquire them RIGHT NOW?
Your life is not a dress rehearsal. You can change the direction of your life RIGHT NOW, or you could just sit back, turn on the TV and stay the same person for the rest of your life…
I don't think you want to do that or you would have not read this far. I have tried to be as factual as possible. Now that you have the facts, it's time to decide if The Secret of Deliberate Creation is "right" for you.
If you have that feeling inside that you are tired of struggling and want to break free and be happy, healthy and abundant in every area of your life STARTING NOW then this is your time to make the changes.
Remember, The Secret of Deliberate Creation comes with both my QUICK START and my 365 Day Unconditional Guarantee. I don't think I can be any fairer than that. Do something different today. Invest in the most invaluable asset in your life. Not your home, not your car, not your retirement, but in YOU! Thanks for taking the time to read this. I look forward to helping you achieve all your great dreams.
Your Friend,
Dr. Robert Anthony
International Trainer, Hypnotist, Personal Performance Consultant
P.S. I am not done yet! Before I go I want to tell you about some Special Free Gifts I have for you. I KNOW you are going to be happy with The Secret of Deliberate Creation, but let me give you some free gifts that will make you even happier! it is my my way of saying "thank you" for ordering today. Enjoy!
My Complete Total Success Library
The complete TOTAL SUCCESS LIBRARY includes:
 | Gift #1: "Beyond Positive Thinking" – A No-Nonsense Formula For Getting The Results You Want ($19.95 Value)
"For the first time ever – an advanced success system that never fails" – that is how Dr. Joe Vitale describes "Beyond Positive Thinking" which is my latest update my all-time best seller "The Advanced Formula For Total Success."
Beyond Positive Thinking reveals a proven advanced formula to achieve all your personal goals and intentions — 100% Guaranteed. Still in print, 178 pages – you get it here as a GIFT! |
 | GIFT #2: "Betting on Yourself" - Step-By-Step Strategies For The Total Winner ($19.95 Value)
Do you consider yourself "lucky" or "unlucky"? A gambler or not? Have you ever found yourself saying: "I'll bet (this or that) is going to happen?" The fact is we are ALL gamblers. Any situation that involves financial, physical or emotional risk is a gamble.
"Betting on Yourself" is concerned with winning the most important game of all – the Game of Life... It will give you a new perspective on winning, attracting new opportunities and creating good luck and good fortune. 185 pages. I recently saw the out-of-print version of this book selling on an Amazon.com auction for $94.89! |
 | GIFT #3: "The Ultimate Secrets Of Total Self Confidence" ($12.95 Value)
My first book which still continues to be a best seller. It is an excellent book for those who want a step-by-step strategy for building self-confidence and creating the life they desire.
Recently, I completely rewrote and revised this book. The newly written material makes this book a better value than ever.
Many people tell me The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence is a modern day version of Napoleon Hill's - THINK AND GROW RICH. A wonderful compliment since this was my favorite book. This book is must for your collection. It is highly suggested for anybody beginning their journey of personal growth. Still in print – 151 pages. |
 | GIFT #4: "Magic Power of Super Persuasion" - For Top Achievers Who Want To Turn Personal Ideas Into Positive Results ($9.95 Value)
Eighty five percent of your success depends on your ability to communicate your ideas. The Magic Power of Super Persuasion will help you to redesign your communication patterns so that you can communicate your ideas more effectively.
You will learn how to strengthen your self-confidence and personal power, build trust and credibility, open up closed minds, persuade others to cooperate with you in producing the results you desire, and much, much more. A book that will give you more than your money's worth... 154 pages. |
 | GIFT #5: "Doing What You Love, Loving What You Do - The Ultimate Key To Personal Happiness and Financial Freedom ($19.95 Value)
The key to happiness and success is following your passion. This book will show you precisely how to do that. If you are not following your dream or want to expand on what you already love to do, you will find this book helpful and inspiring.
As far as I am concerned, this book is worth having if you just read the last chapter – "A Lesson from Ramon". I have never met anyone who more clearly exemplifies the principles of success and happiness than Ramon. His words will inspire and motivate you for the rest of your life. 123 pages. |
 | GIFT #6: "How to Make the Impossible Possible" - Turning Your Life Around Through Possibility Thinking (A $19.95 Value)
The interesting thing about life is just when you think you have it figured out, a new lesson presents itself that you are totally unprepared for. How To Make the Impossible Possible shows how we create impossible situations and why things go wrong - even if we are positive.
I wrote this book when I was going through a very difficult period in my life. It was a period of self-doubt where I had to reach a little deeper to find the answers I needed. In it, I share how to turn any impossible situation into possible positive outcome. This is a book that can make a difference in anyone's life. 181 pages. |
 | GIFT #7: "50 Ideas That Can Change Your Life!" - An Indispensable Guide To Happiness and Prosperity (A $19.95 Value)
Unlike any other book I have written... I am not much of a storyteller. I'm more of a "just give me the facts" type of person. However, I decided to teach the lessons from my other books in story form. There are 50 ideas in the form of observations and anecdotes that are designed to help you have a clearer picture of how to apply the
principles for success.
Each chapter is separate from the other so you can pick it up and put it down and not have to read the entire book at once. You will want to share this with your friends and family. 68 pages. |
 | GIFT #8: "The Intention Activator" Software Program (A $49.95 Value)
[Available for Microsoft Windows only]
"The Intention Activator" is a revolutionary tool that lets you effortlessly break bad habits, permanently destroy limiting beliefs, and attract exactly what you want.
The Intention Activator is designed to keep your ATTENTION on your INTENTION. This is done by installing a small scrolling marquee on the very top of your computer "Desktop".
The program continuously displays your "intention statements" on your Desktop…leaving your other applications undisturbed. It runs along the top of your screen .…causing you to automatically…and effortlessly focus on them.
Anytime your Desktop is displayed the scrolling marquee reminds you of your intention. It keeps you focused on what you want and increases your motivation and desire to make it happen. If you are using another program you can either shut it off, or just leave it running in the background.
As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. As an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've enjoyed watching the continual growth of the seminary.
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