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Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Course In Miracles

A Course in Miracles
Dr. Ken Ayotte

I haven't believed in miracles in a very long time. When I was very young, I went to church and learned about the miracles performed by those in the Bible. As I grew older, I saw fewer and fewer miracles and more and more strife. Or, as some would refer to it, the "real world." Miracles were replaced by news stories and doubts about life in general. I think it would probably have been less depressing if I had not learned about miracles in the first place. After all, you don't miss what you never had, do you?

After I became an adult, I began to notice the word "miracle" again. It was as though it was in fashion all of a sudden but it didn't seem to have the same wonderous meaning as it once did. It seems the the word "miracle" has been thrown around and its meaning cheapened and blurred in recent times. "It's a miracle that I didn't get hurt playing that game" or "I won the lottery, it's a miracle!". I always thought that a miracle was when God intervened to either made something happen or prevented something from happening. When miracles are performed, they typically have an unexpected result to what most people would expect or could even be contrary to what one would expect in physics or nature.

I am happy that this course has opened my eyes to miracles once more. I am not, of course, referring to the parting of the Red Sea or reviving the dead. I am referring to the every day miracles in our own lives. It is good that there are those with the wisdom to recognize the extraordinary for what it is and not just shrug it off as either strange or coincidence. To be able to recognize a miracle for what it really is is almost like learning to see all over again.

I have a new awareness and appreciation of the world around me. The universe is full of wonders and miracles. Most of these we will never comprehend and that's a good thing. Without wonder, there would be no purpose, and we all need purpose, don't we?

Let others live in the same peace you would want for the one you love most.


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