1. I wasn’t able to print my credential. Can I get another one?
I’m afraid that the program generates the credential at the time of ordination. To get another one, you’d need to ordain yourself again or order one from the site.
2. I don’t remember my ordination date. How can I get it?
To get your ordination date, send your request to generalcontact@ulchq.com Give them your full name and address at the time of ordination and they will give it to you.
3. I need a letter of Good Standing to do weddings. How can I get one?
You can order this from headquarters as well. Write to generalcontact@ulchq.com. Give them your full name and the address you’d like it mailed to. There is no cost for this.
4. How do I know if I need a letter of Good Standing?
Look at the Marriage Laws in the FAQ section and the training section. You can also confirm by calling the local county clerk where the wedding will take place and ask if you need to register.
5. I live in one state and I was asked to do a wedding in another. Can I do this?
Yes. You are legal to do weddings in all 50 states, as long as you’re at least 18 years old.
6. I’m getting ready to do my first wedding, what do I need?
Aside from possibly needing a letter of Good Standing, you would do well to order a book of ceremonies and certificates. (Basic Wedding Pack, for starters.) You should also read the training section (under ‘classes’) that has wedding training, as well as the wedding FAQ section.
7. I want to start doing weddings, how do I get started?
Start by ordering the Wedding Officiant Training Kit. It has all the materials you’ll need. Then get business cards and later a website. If you are not in time to get into the phone book, start by going to all the wedding facilities in your area (or calling them) and ask to be put on their Preferred Vendor list. You will get calls this way. To get started doing funerals, you’ll want to go to Funeral Homes and do the same thing.
8. How do I know what to charge?
Call other ministers from the phone book. Look under wedding supplies and services and look for the ministers. Ask them and then determine your price from there.
9. I live in Canada. Is my ordination legal here?
In some provinces yes and some no. Get a letter of Good Standing and present it in your province to see. It varies greatly depending who you ask.
10. I want to start a group of ULC ministers in my area. How can I do this?
Ask for people to join you on the forum and look through the directory. We don’t handle the formation of the groups, but we’ll be happy to invite it on the discussion board.
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