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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Spirit Quest

Hi Amy,

I have loved every one of the Lessons in this class from beginning to end. I must tell you I have learned more from you than I have for the past seven years. I go to a church that is open to all of this and have learned a lot from them too. I have been taking classes from there also. A lot of this is review.

The roses and Suns are new and fun to work with I like the grounding cords and the info on the main energies that comes in handy too. I have a group that comes to my place and we are working with crystals to heal with.

All of what is in the lessons go hand in hand with my healing group. How can I help others heal if I can not heal myself first? I have always thought in the positive. Always try to see the good in others. This can be hard work. I have one son and God bless him but he is in jail because he does things that put him there. I do not wish to see him like this but it is his realty . His life, His lesson for him to learn from. Now for me it is letting go of all the negatives that comes from this. To stay strong for myself first with roses there that helps a lot. It gets rid of all the hurts in life and they help to heal oneself.

In talking to my spirit guides they do talk to me and I hear them, when I wish to speak to them. Others by smell, others by movement in the room, and other I see, others by feeling them in the room. It just depends on who they are and what they are tiring to reach. There is so much in this world to do. All if what you give are wonderful tools. I will be taking another class soon.

You Light up my Life with your tools and knowledge.

Rev. Lisa Becker


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

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