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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Master of Religion

Master of Religion -  My final essay:

The Bible and its contents have been extensively dealt in this study program , taking into account the great value and  evidence of the divine teachings to the whole mankind. The importance of the divine message in our everyday life is impressive and we can find in the Bible a solution to our problems,  doubts and needs  if we carefully read this inspired Book. Its advices  for our spiritual growth are continuously stressed in every page and  you can find  always valid  and  practical tools to lead your life.

In every lesson I appreciated the clear description of the topics. In particular I noticed the different point of views that have been proposed, according to the various interpretations available of this divine message. In my opinion, it is important to have a complete panorama of the religious  beliefs of the Christian message and how they can be different in the doctrinal content. This is a way to open our minds and to chose to follow our religion with full responsibility and rational criticism.

The chapters  on Bible Basics and the Old Testament, in this study program,  are a compendium of the original writings of the divine revelation. The truth contained and expressed in the Sacred Scripture have God as author and expresses, without error and with evidence, the spiritual project for each man in order to affect and positively change our life in a spiritual renovation. The inspired words have the purpose to expose and  educate to the divine justice and love.

The Jewish tradition brings to us the first unit of divine books, corresponding to Torah, called Pentateucum , which means 5 books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy).

The Genesis is the description of the origin of the universe and of the mankind, describing the origin of the Jews and their link with God through Abraham and his descendants up to the creation of Israel from the 12 tribes. The last part of Genesis  describes Joseph's life and his Egypt vicissitude.

Exodus describes the freedom of Jews from Egypt, where they were slave and their liberation by the action of Moses. This important book contains the God law and the divine commandments.

Leviticus can be seen as a collection of cult prescriptions. Numbers contains the list of the members of  12 tribes and first exploration of Canaan land from Jews in compliance with the God promise. Deuteronomy contains Moses discourses to Israel, stressing the importance to respect the divine commandments as a condition to possess and enjoy the promised land.

The part of this study program on Ten Commandments is interesting because they are differently exposed and interpreted according to Protestants, Catholics and Hebrews. As I pointed out, in my opinion the divine message is simple in  his  meaning, in spite of these different versions, because its contains a universal and univocal wisdom and message of love for every man.

The old scriptures also contain all the Prophets events and writings, inspired by God, based on the Israel history and the various Hebrew events. Psalms are my favourite book because you can deeply feel the inner prayers of the Hebrew people , respecting the God words and their feelings of hope and faith.

The New Testament is the most used portion of the Bible, in today's churches. Here you can find the Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Acts of Apostles who witnessed  His life, death and resurrection. Gospels are a message of hope, mercy iand salvation , addressed to everyone believing in Jesus.
I appreciated the way to study the Bible in an effective way, with a humble approach, because it is not to acquire knowledge, but rather to know God and to bring His words in our life.

The part of the study programs on the Holy Sacraments is interesting because I could see different ways to understand  the various sacraments and their symbolism.

The religious counseling ,  as  fundamental action of a Christian  minister, the approach to the problems of the  church community and the discourses on Marriage, Divorce , etc. are a picture of the hard and severe work of a minister within the church members. I think a minister must have a strong personality and a deep faith in order to help and give effective support to those asking for his advice, considering the source of their problems. I was really impressed by his responsible work which is undoubtedly hard, but full of  strength and capability to understand and forgive , expressing the message of  Jesus Christ to love each others and  to forgive each others, to live in peace among us.

The last part of the study program was dealing with the History of the Christianity and all the historical events  from the beginning, focused on the way to spread the message of Jesus Christ. The Apostles and their predication on the Lord and His power to save everyone in faith.
The Journeys of the Apostle Paul  express his action to rescue every man and to glorify the Lord.

From the teachings of the Apostles we can learn the deep meaning of the divine message of love which I think is the base for everyone, in spite of the different religious tendencies and churches in the world. The Christian churches have the Bible as fundamental book. Other Churches and Denominations also use other books, such as the Book of Mormon, but this is a violation of the divine commandments because the only inspired book is the Bible. We have to discriminate between real and false prophets in this case.

I agree with a spiritual church , not a material church, interested in financial business rather than in the real Christian message of faith, love and humility.  Unselfishness  is  a value clearly in contradiction with personal profits. 

This course was excellent for me and I was particularly impressed by the different approach proposed  to understand and interpret  the Sacred Scriptures (from the Old to the New Testament) , by the Catholic (Orthodox or Roman), Hebrew, Protestant churches and how the Bible is exploited to create  a lot of religious bodies which are often not really inspired. 

The really deep values inspired by God and his Son Jesus Christ, and the effective presence of  the Holy Ghost in the described events can be made understandable by the work of a good Christian minister. 

As a final statement,  I am sure that all the program contents will be fruitful for me and will positively affect my ordinary and spiritual life.



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