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Thursday, May 01, 2008

A Course In Miracles

Let me first begin by thanking Dr. Siani for this most insightful and truly enlightening course. It has been a pleasure to take this journey with her. I have learned much and will apply these teachings along with those taught by other wonderful spiritual leaders and teachers. I believe that we all come from one source and at some point when our current form is longer present or needed we will return to this same source. I know this source to be God. The knowing needs no explanation from a book or any other outside source but comes from deep within the unmanifested space between my thoughts, the inner space that cannot be explained. "The peace that passeth all understanding " as St. Paul wrote. I therefore place my trust in Gods hands and listen to His voice which directs my efforts an directs my mind on a daily basis even when my ego wants to take over. "Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal can exist. Herein lies the peace of God". "This is the fundamental distinction between the real and unreal" as the Course in Miracles reads. This has been the fundamental basis of my journey in this unreal world of perception. To know is a wonderful truth. A truth of love. A truth of God.

The Course states that "Perfect loves casts out fear, if fear exists, then there is not perfect love. But: Only perfect love exists. If there is fear, it produces a state that does not exist". What a simple yet perfect truth which is overlooked because of our unconsciousness. This simple truth produces the state of "miracle readiness" which is a basis for Metaphysics. Of course Metaphysics by its very nature dates back to Aristotle himself who introduced the idea of matter in general to the Western world and the nature of the mind to the body. This than raises central questions of Metaphysics. Mind and matter, identity and change,space and time, religion and spirituality.

But what is Metaphysics? By definition Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy investigating principles of reality transcending those of any particular science, traditionally, cosmology and ontology. It is concerned with explaining the ultimate truth of being and the world. The meaning derived from the Greek words meta' and physika' have overtime become meta to mean beyond; above; transcending and physics referring to those works on matter. Therefore, metaphysics is also the study of that which transcends physics. There are three parts which comprise Metaphysics.

First being Ontology of the study of Being and existence which include definitions and classification of entities, physical or mental, the nature of their properties, and the nature of change.

Second. Natural theology, the study of God which involves topics the nature of religion and the world, existence of the divine, questions about Creation and numerous religious and spiritual issues that concern the humankind in general.

Third. Universal science or first philosophy. "Being in terms of "being". Topics such as causality, substance, species and elements, as well as notions of relation, interaction, and finitude.

In most cases, subjects that can be taken with regards to any of the metaphysics questions are endorsed by one or another philosopher or student. In some cases, subjects of metaphysical scholarship have been found to be entirely physical and natural, thus making them part physics proper as is the case with Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity. There are those of course who are critical of Metaphysics. This is in part attributed to the ego and the lack of understanding based on fear. It does not matter what the opinions are to me because I accept them as they are. This is to accept the unacceptable or not to accept the unacceptable. This is the choice we all inherently share.

I submit and have learned that one can only be present because that is all there ever is. No past or future will ever change the fact that there is only the present. The future will come as the present and things accomplished in the past were done in the present. The present is where God exists. This is the meaning of "I am the Alpha and the Omega" or as Jesus said "before Abraham was I am ". This is beautifully illustrated in this course by Dr. Siani. Humankind has become addicted and become a prisoner of its own thought. The non stop thinking and creating of illusions. There can be no spiritual awakening until this creating of illusions coupled by fear ceases. There can be no God consciousness until we let go absolutely of ego. We may get glimpses of it until we allow our thinking to once again take over. The key is to practice presence. Allowing things to happen and not trying to force the true nature of things not in our control. Patience, love, surrender and forgivness. "Miracles happen to miracle minded people". This is a lesson that have relearned in this course. Miracles are all around us. It is in the knowing that they occur and it is in the knowing that we receive them.

As I continue my journey I try and look within rather than only without. The inner awareness that awakens the formless essence of who we truly are is only part of the God consciousness that we all posses. The ultimate transformation that will eventually occur in us all goes far beyond any human understanding. Yet this transformation must occur in order to close the gap of separation from God. When this occurs nothing unreal can exist and nothing real can be threatened.

I send you my love and may God bless you all on your journey.

by Rev. Dennis Walter Zerull


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

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