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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Wiccan Studies

Master of wiccan Studies
Lessons from the Wiccan experience course:

Perhaps the most important lesson I learned from the course has been the issue of intent with rituals. The rituals mean nothing unless the proper intent is present, and the wrong intent does not impart rituals with meaning. Rituals have meaning, but the intent ascribed to them only occurs when the proper intent is used in combination with the ritual.

Another lesson from the course is the benign aspect of the mode of thought, or the presence of spells in conjunction with your meanings. As with most religions, or avenues of worship, spells help focus the wishes and intent of the person involved. The insistence of not doing harm in your spell casting is important, even without the Law of Threefold in place. This law helps a person to remember that anything you send out comes back three fold in power and intent. The aspect of evil spells and intent that is in the modern or ancient literature, usually by persons who have no conception of these rituals, do not hold any validity when seen from this perspective.

As with any ritual, the importance of concentration and focus is paramount. Without concentration the rituals have no power, and can be usurped for other purposes, especially when first practicing rituals. As a help in concentration and focus several preparations are needed, most importantly of these are planning ahead. There should be a clear understanding of the intent, goals, and process before any ritual should take place. Without the visualization of the process/rituals, but most importantly the goals, of the service you are to perform you cannot obtain them. Not only have you wasted your time, but you have opened yourself up to negative or dangerous influences.

Another lesson from the course has been the importance of timing when attempting and completing rituals/spells. Forces are natural in our world, and there are times when the forces are more powerful, or more accessible than others. Paying attention to the calendar, the time of day, even the day of week is important. Certain holidays in our society are based on these situations where forces are more accessible, and for a good reason. These times also help the practitioner to focus on his/her rituals and goals.

Perhaps the most important lesson from the course is that we are not alone, in any religion or religious practice. Current beliefs and practices are built up from the past, from many different cultures and practices. The combination of disparate practices and beliefs only makes current one more powerful, and longer lasting. Although the intent of any religious practice should not be power for the individual or person within the sect, the power here refers to the system of beliefs and practices. The power of belief does lend power to the rituals and spells of the individual and organization, but not for self-aggrandizement instead for accumulation of intent and implementation of rituals for the growing of knowledge for both the individual who practices and those who are interested. After all, the most important aspect of any belief system is the growth of the individual in knowledge and wisdom.

Prepared as the final requirement for the Master in Wiccan Studies by:

David A Woods


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