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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Christian Religion

The Bible is probably one of the least read books among Christians today. Many proclaim that they read the Bible but in actuality they read mostly the New Testament and even then it is select passages. This course has made me reflect on many aspects of the Bible, a book that I have read several times. The highlight this time though was that we explored several areas in a little more depth than what I had previously done.

An area that had always puzzled me was that of the Ten Commandments. Looking at the various renditions as espoused by different branches of Christianity, made me ponder upon the need for such variety. I can see why particular sects alter the wording to suit themselves and their doctrine but to me that is working around the laws that God has laid down for us to follow. This tied in closely with the topic of Denominations. In researching the many denominations it appears throughout history that they have all become off shoots from a central source and based their separation upon one or two finite points. Take for instance the matter of Baptism, should it be by immersion, sprinkling or pouring?  Does it really matter to God?  Yet several denominations are adamant in their belief and adherence to one form or another. The circumstances that wrought these changes historically are often extremely relevant to the change.

The review of the history of Christianity was also an area that I was interested in. Being someone who is easily diverted in study to the various tributaries that crop up, this subject caused me to follow threads of thought and knowledge in a plethora of directions. I kept asking myself, “Why?” and searching for more explanation. My quest for knowledge expanded and grew in relationship to my knowledge base. This was a great feeling to search and find answers. I have never really accepted anything at face value and as a result I sometimes take longer to absorb information as I muse over it.

One thing that I found disconcerting was that I needed more time between lessons so that I could study and research more. This is just a personal preference though and others may not have the same debilitating habit of following each thread of thought to a satisfactory conclusion.

The course was extremely beneficial to me and I thoroughly enjoyed the thought provocation that resulted. I learned more than I could possibly describe in a short treatise such as this. Along the way I documented and wrote things from my research to help me in the future. If the other courses are as enlightening and provoking as this I will be delighted.

Rev. Glenn Wright


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

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