Visualization is one of the concepts that struck a deep chord within me. I have long believed that thoughts have power, in that we must first think about something before we can act on it and bring the thought to fruition. Our belief, or thoughts about ourselves lead to acts that fulfill the picture our thoughts have created in our minds.
Most of us are not really aware of how this process serves to actually create our lives, but truly it all starts with the thought. The more clearly we picture something, the more likely we will see it reflected in our reality. On some level we have all seen it at work. When we worry about something happening, we often see what we worry about come to pass. The student who is fearful of exams typically does not do as well as the one who is confident. This does note necessarily reflect the level of preparation, because both students may be well prepared, but fear makes one freeze up, unable to pull the material out of their mind, while the confident one is able to breeze through the exam.
Performers can all attest to the difference in their performance on the occasions where they feel confident versus the days when they are worried that they will not perform well. To take it a step further, it is possible to picture oneself as successful, and see that very thing come to pass. Conversely, when we doubt ourselves we seem to attract the very thing we dread. In practice we can manifest things through our mental pictures.
While taking this course I happened one day to be looking online at some clothing on an online auction site. I admired some things I saw, but was really only looking since I didn’t have the money to be able to do any shopping at the time. I didn’t contact any of the vendors, speak to anyone about the items I had admired or even bookmark the pages on my computer. The next day after doing some reading about visualization, I sent out a prayer asking for abundance to manifest itself in my life. About a week later I received a package in the mail, marked sample, that contained two of the items I had admired on the internet.
I believe that my visual picture of those items combined with my conviction that the universe will provide for us if we simply get out of our own way mainifested those items into my reality. Can I do this every day? No. Sadly, like most people, I am the biggest limiter of my own reality. We have been trained to look at reality in a way that discourages us from believing in the power of manifesting the miraculous. But we have all experienced that power in at least small ways - the parking spot that opens up just when we desperately need it, the small coincidences that fall into place.
When we are able to suspend doubt, we reach for the impossible and make it happen. The trick is in being able to recognize that it is not God who makes us small, it is our lack of belief in our oneness with the Creator that limits us.
As a child I was taught that God is everywhere. In my child’s mind I took that to mean that God was in the grass and the trees and the rocks, in every living creature on this planet and also in each of us. If we reach back into that childlike acceptance of the limitlessness of God, we may start to love the part of God that also resides within ourselves and makes miracles possible.
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