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These are some of the most amazing stories about what a great job our Universal Life Church ministers are doing. These are stories of why they became ordained, the courses they've taken, and the great things they are doing with their ministries.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Dr. of Metaphysics

Dr. of Metaphysics Course Sample
Thank you for this thought-provoking course. The last two years I have felt led to find my own spiritual truths, and your course has been a very helpful tool in that quest.

Lesson 19– Miracles and Work, spoke directly to issues I’ve been struggling with for most of my adult life.

Having been raised with a Christian mindset, I was taught that doing God’s will (specific to work) would bring fulfillment and peace to my life. But the career path I was supposed to choose to fulfill my purpose was vague at best. Hence, I felt tentative with career decisions. I drive myself crazy because I am always considering new options thinking, “This might be the one”. I usually just end up feeling confused and even guilty for making what could be the ‘wrong’ choice. Yet, I live with this constant nagging that I have a purpose that is not being fulfilled.

Your course teaches that my purpose at work is simply to show love, and this can be done no matter what career I have chosen. What a relief! This means that I am free to choose any work that suits me (which is free to change), and as long as I am working from a place of love, I am fulfilling my purpose!!!

Gifts are something I believe everyone has, but I could never seem to put my finger on mine. When I tried, I would look for profound, ‘spiritual’ gifts, but I always come up short in that department. I believe that if I could identify my gifts, my life would have a clearer direction and a greater sense of purpose.

Learning that anything I do well is a gift makes me feel a part of humanity. And knowing that it is my responsibility in this life to share my gifts gives me a freedom and confidence that I’ve never known. It is my job to take up space on this earth, and to share the essence of who I am with others.

You have given me new fodder with which to question what I have been taught, and to take on new truths as my own. Thank you for sharing your gifts with me.


Rev. Terri Anderson


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers hand-fasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Comparative Religion

Comparative Religion Course Essay from the ULC Seminary
For many people, religion is little more than occasional gestures and rituals. On one extreme are those who reject everything that isn’t their religion and on the other extreme are those who have no beliefs whatsoever. Most are searching for the middle ground. Growing up in parochial schools, I was taught that all other religions were wrong and that I shouldn’t have anything to do with them, or the people who practice other religions.

Through this course, and through my experience as an adult, I have come to learn that almost all religious faiths have a common aim to contribute to society, and to the common good. Almost all preach that we should be tolerant of and respect each other and learn from others. All beings should be able to live in harmony. Religions and personal philosophies that share this belief should be able to co-exist anywhere. Max Ehrmann, in his “Desiderata”, says “Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.” It doesn’t matter if you call your spiritual leader God, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, or mankind—the important thing is to serve your community and your self in peace, fellowship, and the common good.

I learned a great deal from this course. I learned that all the religious traditions, regardless of location or time, attempt to interact and communicate with their spiritual leaders, whether that be through meditation, contemplation, or prayer. What struck me was that the oldest prayer in the world (“I have not robbed, I have not caused pain, I have not committed fornication, I have not stirred up strife, I have never cursed God”, etc.) came from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. These are comparable to the ten precepts of Buddhism, and to the Ten Commandments. Almost all religions have sacred texts—the Diamond Sutra (Buddhist), the Torah (Judaism), the Koran (Islam), the New Testament (Christianity). All the primary texts are primers for how we should all live and act toward each other. I also learned how similar many adored figures are: Mary, Kwan Yin, the Divas—it seems that they are all the same figure of an eternal mother. Everyone has beloved holidays and traditions, and many of them are derived from earlier traditions. We are basically all one human family that has grown apart, but we have common roots that can bring us back together again if we are perceptive and willing.

This course has taught me to have an appreciation for other religions and cultural practices, and I think this is the strongest endorsement of the course from my perspective. It has also emphasized the importance in religion of not doing harm, but doing good.

As the H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama writes: “We must try to do something good, something useful with our lives. If you contribute to other people’s happiness, you will find the true goal, the true meaning of life.” 

Rev. Kenneth J. Swanson


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers hand-fasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Comparative Religion

Comparative Religion Course Sample
This course filled in so many gaps for me around specific definitions of terms I have thrown around for years. I feel so much more confident in my knowledge now. There is a satisfying feeling after having taken this course.

What you liked best in this course.

I loved the comparison/similarity theme/approach that she uses so regularly... Being a student of all religions , the unifying nature of this course made me smile and opened my mind during every lesson. It was interesting, not dry.

What you liked least about this course.

I could not proceed at my own pace which would have been faster.

How you think these discourses could be improved.

I would have loved to have been able to talk with other students and have discussions on the topics.

Any other comments.
I thoroughly enjoyed it and am grateful for having taken it.

Would you be interested in taking other courses from Rev. Kythera Ann?
Yes... and I probably will.

With Much Love,
Beverly Bright


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers hand-fasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Dr. of Metaphysics

Dr. of Metaphysics Course from ULC Seminary

Here is my essay on miracles course you asked for.

First there was nothing in this course that did not make sense or for any disagreement on. I truly enjoyed the whole course it is well done and I thank you both for giving me all this wonderful information.

What I really like about all of the information is that it re-awakens the love inside if you move forward instead of holding back.

I now feel the energy all around me the positive and the negative. The negative is heavy-feeling like being super busy like it wants to attack you but you keep it at bay by keep the positive energy as strong it not stronger.

The thing is not letting it take over your life.

The love you feel is so empowering that it is the miracle that keeps you going no matter what.

The really important thing to me is staying in the love and working from that aspect in my life.

The miracle of getting up each day and greeting all the world with this love is a very challenging thing for me at times.

I give the pain to my higher self and all my angels to help me get through the pain and a pain pill helps too. he he

Also my son is in jail and no he has five and ten months to go before he gets out.

There is one more person that has been close as a friend and he went to jail this year too. I'm hoping that they have learned their lessons as will.

The lesson for me is doing nothing other than give my support to them and love them mo matter what.

I feel that my son has a chance to change and better himself. I know he will be a better person from all of this.

The other person needs support too and in time I'm hoping he will find his miracle as will. He can change too.

Life is full of a lot of miracles only when you see it that way and never give up on oneself or others.

One thing that Jesus did was fell and allow the pain and hurt to be there and than he forgave it and ti went away because he let it go back to being with God or higher self.

There is always a miracle in hand when you need one.

Lisa Becker


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers hand-fasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Metaphysics - Spirit Quest

Master of Metaphysics Course through the ULC Seminary
Master of metaphysics is a good course for people to understand better
of having a calm and true peace within ones self. Having stress affect us everyday in multiple different ways, and learning to cope with it is a struggle each of us have on a daily basis. But this course shows ways to channel stress and stressful situations. Putting things into bubbles and watching them burst after floating away are great techniques.

Also grounding is another tool that is a great idea because it gives you a start to find your inner peace. Its like having your own little space no one can enter, where you can think things all the way through before acting upon them.

Those are a couple of tools to mention that worked for me, but only for a while. At first I was meditating and studying the Bible everyday. I felt great and was learning a lot. When I was reading a lesson it asked or said that people from your past might show up. Sure enough someone from my past showed up and it sent me on a whirl. My emotions were out of control until I grounded myself. And all I
could think of is that some things sent for you to deal with could be from God or satan. To tell you the truth I was scared. My life until now was a rollercoaster ride from Hell. I had made a relationship again and was asked to walk away. I was confused, and I also remembered the lesson saying something like this would happen.

It is very hard to tell if what was presented to me was right meaning "God sent" or wrong meaning from satan. After that happened I decided to stop meditating for awhile, and studying the Bible. Confused and lost once again is a horrible feeling. I still used grounding an bubbles techniques to deal with things. Finally that person left my space and Thank God for that. 

Rev. Jeremy Barker


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Metaphysics Course

Spirit Quest Metaphysics
Spirit Quest Course Essay
Rev. Baudouin Heuinckx

The first notable thing about the course is its down-to-earth and light tone. This was a welcome change from my law studies! Moreover, as each lesson is not too long, it makes for an easy and enjoyable read and leaves sufficient time for practice.

The course pointed to a number of good and pragmatic life principles, such as the need to take charge of one’s own life, the necessity to forgive, that creating and destroying are only two sides of the same coin and that none of the two is inherently bad, the power of letting go, the risks of spiritual competition, the power of affirmations and speaking in the positive, and asking the right questions, just to name a few.

I particularly appreciated the strong affirmatives of some of the lessons. You always have a choice. Trying is not enough to bring true achievements. You can’t change what you don’t own, but you should own what’s yours. The passages on the spiritual path and the law of karma closely matched my personal beliefs.

When I read the life principles explained in the course, I felt either in total agreement, or that I knew them deep within and just did not realize it up to then. These principles are easy to apply in one’s daily life and can improve quickly relationships and the way one sees himself.

One point for which I disagreed with the course was that the author seems to consider that the true nature of humans is their spirit, and that they merely inhabit a body. Although I do agree that the spirit is what survives death and later reincarnates, I think that the body is more than a temporary housing. While in the body, we are both spirit and body, mind and matter, both imbued with a divine spark.

The meditation techniques taught in the course are simple to use, especially when you are good at visualization. They are very relaxing and empowering, and also fun to use. The center of my head, grounding cords, golden suns, working with energy, creating and destroying rose, chakras… are now well-known. I initially had a few questions about the reason why we should use roses and not something else, but I quickly realized that I had come to be accustomed to the image and that it was effective.

I personally found running my energies slightly more difficult, but by coincidence I had been practicing breathing techniques that used a similar imagery with my fitness coach at about the same time, and the combination of both helped improve results.

These were enjoyable eight months, and I am pretty sure that the rest of my life will be likewise.

by Rev. Baudouin Heuninckx


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers hand-fasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Defining Spiritualism

Defining Spirituality Course from the ULC Seminary
Defining Spiritualism Essay
Rev. Baudouin B.

I must first of all say that this course was one of the most learned in the Seminary, and that it would be interesting for any reader, even non-ministers. The discussion on the history of Western thought, although obviously shortened and simplified, was very accurate, and the analysis of how modern physics and how it questions ‘standard’ scientific beliefs was very right. The parallel between science and religion was very well explained.

Every scientific theory of the past has been proven at least partially wrong. The gravitation equations of Newton are correct as long as speed remains far smaller than the speed of light, but Einstein demonstrated that they were simplified versions of other equations in which time and space are no constants as speed comes close to the speed of light. One day will come (if it did not already) when someone will prove that the equations of Einstein were only correct under certain conditions, and so on. Science, like religion, is based on belief.

As a continuous learner, I particularly liked the idea that the fundamental obstacle to learning is to believe that one already knows. That form of pride is very common at all levels of society, but people fail to realize that by wanting to be right, they often waste an opportunity to grow. Every dedicated researcher, learner or student will realize that the more he or she studies, the more he or she realizes that he or she knows nothing. Even in one particular area, there is always more to learn. In that sense, I disagree with one of the last conclusions of the course, which is that there is nothing to know. On the contrary, I believe that there is an infinite amount of knowledge, and that we should not shy away from this knowledge, but that we have to be sufficiently humble to realize that we cannot know all, even in one particular area. We will actually end-up knowing only an infinitesimally small part of the infinite knowledge, which is and will remain the domain of God. This is particularly true of the social sciences, working with humans and groups of humans who are all different, but also of the hard sciences as well, as I showed above. In that sense, instead of saying that ‘there is nothing to know’, I would say that ‘what any man can ever know amounts to nothing’, which is not far from the well-known saying of Socrates.

Another major conclusion of the course with which I agreed wholeheartedly is the fact that there is no actual objectivity, and its corollary that there is no absolute understanding. Eisenberg discovered his Uncertainty Principle (and not ‘principal’) by realizing that it was impossible to measure at the same time the position and speed of an electron: the act of measuring one would modify the other. In more mundane terms, this means that the simple fact of observing something changes it. To give an even more mundane example, do we not often act differently when we notice a beautiful person from the opposite sex looking at us? 

Likewise, understanding is not absolute, only relative. As someone said before: ‘understanding is a three-edged sword: my side, your side, and the truth’. However, this truth can never be fully grasped. In that sense, there is not so much difference between Socrates and the Sophists, because the ontological truth cannot be known, and therefore, in a way, it does not exist. Only one’s relative truth can. What people think as an absolute truth is actually an epistemological truth shared by a majority. David Hume was right when he said that there is no absolute truth – but this is only my personal epistemological truth.

Good and evil similarly are relative concepts. An act can be evil or good depending on the specific circumstances, on the point of view of the participants, or on the society among which it is performed. In the mind of most people, killing in the defense of others is good, but killing for personal gratification is evil. Killing in itself is therefore neither good nor evil. Killing Jews under the Nazi regime was good (by the Nazis), but would be considered evil in most societies today. Executing criminals is seen as good in some countries, and evil in others. Absolute principles of good or evil do not exist. Good and evil are actually one, and no act or person is fundamentally good or evil. This is another evidence of the fact that objectivity does not exist.

Likewise, life and death are just events in a continuous cycle of death and rebirth. I believe that death is not the end of the life of the soul, although some would say that death is the end of all. Therefore, death is also a subjective concept. In any case, life feeds on death as death feeds on life. In my view, being afraid of death, or feeling sad for it, is meaningless or egoistic, as in every death there is a purpose, and after every death there is a rebirth. Life and death are one.

And all of this is not an absolute truth. It is my own truth. The truth of someone who, as anyone else, knows nothing.

Yes, this course was one of the best of the Seminary. The only part I did not really found fitting was the self-flagellation story of the author during the last lesson. I failed to see what it added to the overall course content and its message. Despite what happened in his past, the author should be proud of the course he put together. Even though he would probably agree that it is only an infinitesimal part of the overall knowledge, it can be an important guiding light for others.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers hand-fasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Dr. of Metaphysics

Rev. Diane Young Christian

I’ve been struggling with this essay for the past four days- which I find to be astounding, as this course is basically a reflection of the way that I have tried to live my life and beliefs that I have held since I can remember. I realize that this course is Christian-based, yet I see it as applicable to ALL religions, which reinforces my belief that ALL ARE ONE... even if the terminology is different. When I was young, I was deeply influenced by my studies of Edgar Cayce, which I feel gave me greater insight into the lessons.

This course teaches us to view our lives as a service to others in their own struggle to reunite with the Higher Power, thereby moving us along the same path. When we take the attitude of "giving instead of getting", we receive the blessings of that Higher Power and attract good things into our lives.

Positive envisioning to attract what we want/need, is a powerful tool. When we grasp that concept, we see that focusing on what we DON’T want attracts the same into our lives, and we are one step further to breaking the cycle of self-defeat that entraps many. Understanding that the unconscious mind thinks in pictures/images, let’s us realize that the focus of our thoughts cannot be a negative, as this does not translate into image. Also, knowing that things happen because they are supposed to and accepting misfortunes as a learning opportunities, gives us a different perspective. We are no longer "victims"

Although I agree in essence with the lesson on personal relationships, yet I found it disturbing in part because it could be misconstrued that an abusive relationship should be endured. This brought to mind the last line of the prayer "... and the wisdom to know the difference."

In all, this course is an invaluable "owner’s manual" for human existence.

Play nice; don't fight!

Rev. Diane Young Christian


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers hand-fasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Shamanistic Journey

Universal Life Church Shamanism Course
Shamanism, a way of life in the search for answers, healing and helping others. To me, it's being able to walk in two worlds and working with those from other worlds to help restore balance within and to helpothers understand. My journeys are done through self hypnosis or meditation without the use of entheogens.

The lessons that have been given me through the ULC Seminary have been rich and rewarding on this path I walk. Until this course, I thought of a Shaman as being only a healer. One who would walk into the next world
to seek and retrieve pieces or would do ceremonies in this world to help others. Some of the lessons provided where like a refresher course, but some went much deeper.

I feel that by taking this course I have been able to grasp an even bigger picture of this world and the other worlds that I see everyday and visit at other times. I have been chosen by the spirit, and while I have been studying on my own for years, I still know that I have a long way to go.

Working with the seven principles of Shamanism was truly a learning experience for me. They seem in fact to be so simple and in reality they are. It goes to show that today's society is caught up in the fast lane and has no time to slow down and feel what is really going on around them. Even myself, forget this from time to time.

When beginning this course I also had no idea that it would really show me that a Shaman is also a religious figure. I mean I knew about the spirituality involved, but I wasn't really aware of the fact that they are considered religious leaders.

I have also found that a lot of the healing techniques are things that I have done for years without ever realizing that they are a part of Shamanism. I have done energy work for years, being a Reiki Master and
learning to deal with the chakras, color therapy, and my favorite, working with crystals. I have also done Qigong, hypnosis, and I work with herbs.

In conclusion I think I feel that this course came to me to teach me to re-focus on life. It has brought about a change and has drawn it all in to me with wide eyed amazement. I know now, more than ever that my
journey down this path will continue.

Live, laugh and love,

Rev. Linda S. Taylor


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.
The Universal Life Church offers hand-fasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Buddhism Course

Universal Life Church Buddhism Course
I have been very interested in this course for many months and decided to get my "Master of Buddhist Studies" as I am a practicing Buddhist and have been for many years.

Buddhism week 1

Total enlightenment is release from the constant rebirth and suffering of samsara. Enlightenment means that I would be completely able to help others attain complete release from suffering and the causes of suffering and that they too would be able to achieve enlightenment. 

There are similarities in all major religions, as there is a being who is perceived to be either God or a prophet of God who comes forth and teaches compassion and loving kindness and whose words are written down by their followers and studied for centuries to come. In some instances the prophet is worshiped as though he himself is god (as in the case of the Christ) although none proclaim themselves to be God. And although all major religions preach love and compassion, Buddhism is the only totally non-violent religion on this planet. Similarities between the major religions have a lot to do with the prophesies of the end of times, the Bible, the Native Americans and the Buddhists have very similar prophesies of the coming of the "end times."
Of course total enlightenment is possible, Siddhartha did it and there are several Lakota medicine men who were enlightened beings, Fools Crow and Black Elk were men of incredible spiritual depth and knowledge. Enlightenment does not require education or genius IQ, it only requires a total commitment on the part of the spiritual aspirant...when Buddha sat down, he committed himself to enlightenment and vowed not to move from his seat under the Bodhi tree until he achieved it. It is only the commitment to enlightenment that is difficult, it is within us all to become awakened beings.
For everyone, the way to enlightenment is different.
Meditation and reading the words of the Buddha, hearing his voice explaining how He became awakened is part of my path.
Also by connecting with the All That Is, the source of all consciousness in the Universe and tuning into that energy.
Studying the Ancients (the Mayans, the Egyptians) and connecting with that source.

I believe that everyone has the opportunity to become an awakened being; it is part of what we are here for. It is the Alpha and the Omega of why we choose to be born into this world of suffering again and again. And once released from suffering and the constant pain of rebirth, we are free to choose to resume rebirth in hopes of aiding those who have not achieved enlightenment.


Rev. Vicki A Bennett D.D.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers hand-fasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Friday, March 17, 2006

Shaman and Shamanism

CAUTION this is merely a collection of my warped thinking and observations. There is no logical order. I just ramble on. I can’t spell the computers spell check is worked hard (they should call it a nag in my computer). There is proper punctuation but not hear.

I do not speak for all ways only mine. These are my own thoughts, and you can believe or not-believe it is your choice. I have to be careful and remember that my belief is not the only belief. Every nation (person) has their Description of what a shaman is.

Shamanism is not a religion it is a practice a spiritual way of life.

It is the creators gift that uses the spiritual energy that exists all around us and within all things.

Shamans work with and for the spirit world as much as seeking the help and aid of the spirit world for our use. Remember if you take energy from the spirit world you should replace it. Why not use this returned energy to heal the world don’t be stingy return more than you take. STAND UP BE A WARRIOR FOR MOTHER!

You can be a Shaman and also have a religion.

Shaman healing is best used in conjunction with other treatments, not
as a substitute for them.

Shamans may use herbs to cure people.

A Shaman can be a male, female, or third spirit and when in their role as Shaman, are not human but spiritual. When a Shaman is working all sense of sex, race, color, age, religion, and nationality are set aside. In the creators eyes we are all the same.

Shamans channel the energy of the Great Spirit that is in all things.


The shaman does the work of the spirit world he is only a conduit for there work.

There are several ways to become a shaman but most times you are called or you inherit the power. You can study all you want but if the spirit world does not call you won’t have the power.

A Shaman does his work by going into a trance and traveling to the spirit world.

Some shamans use chemicals to trance others train their mind to trip. The use of herbs or chemicals could put you in jail or you could trance and never return to this world.

It is my opinion the non-chemical entheogens such as music, meditation, breathing, light, color, movement and aroma are the best and safest ways to travel to other levels. It is the individuals control of the experience that makes the experience real. I believe any chemical use may hamper the individuals control and may take them to places they are not prepared to go. When chemically induced did you quest with the spirits or did you go into your mind? I have watched people on some drugs they could be manipulated on their trip. Others you could do with them what you want. When I trip (trance) my Guarding Angel (I am) protects me. I have returned to this reality instantly in emergency or if someone tries to control the trip.

A Shaman can train his/her brain to respond in accordance with her/his will in order to produce the ability to travel to the other levels. A shaman or medicine man will take a young apprentice and have a long time to train their brain. This is done by daily practice. Remember we only use a small part of the brain you are starting to use a new part of it. Like all muscles you must exercise it. It may take some time and effort to establish the ability to travel out of body, but once you have the ability you will be able to travel at will. If you stop using your power you will lose it (same with all your muscles).

After you have the power to travel into the other worlds you are not a Shaman. The people you serve give the title to you.

Usui & Tibetan Reiki Master


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers hand-fasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Christian Studies

Master of Religion Christian Bible Study Course
By Rev. Baudouin Heuninckx

Bible study is no easy topic. When reading different versions of the Bible in different languages, I cannot help but wonder what effect successive translations and paraphrases have had had over the meaning of the texts we read today. Even if the books of the Bible were originally the actual Word of God – and it could be argued that the Bible is actually the transliteration of the Word of God by humans, translations could have even further altered its meaning. Being able to read the Books of the Bible in their original language would be a blessing.

The differences between the wordings of the Ten Commandments in different parts of the Bible could be ascribed to inconsistent translation, but as the relevant Books have been written at different times by different persons, they could also reflect different views of society, exemplified by the difference between the Catholic, Protestant, and Hebrew versions. While Protestantism is a fairly recent attempt to return to the fundamentals of Christian beliefs, Catholicism – or more precisely the first Fathers of the Church – had to cope with ingrained Pagan beliefs, and a cult of Christian martyrs was an easy way to ensure a smooth transition from one religion to another.

Moreover, despite clear reference to the Old Testament in the Gospel, and some prophetic mentions of the Coming of Christ in the Old Testament, one cannot help but feel differently when experiencing God as described in the Old Testament – a jealous God who often had to be feared – or in the Gospel – a more loving Father image. This could reflect the evolution of the Jewish society from a nomadic people to a settled people living in cities. The difference in message is not necessarily an inconsistency, but tends to show that even religious texts embodying the Word of God evolve as the society they minister unto does.

Another question that should be raised in Bible Study is the existence of the Apocrypha, an issue aptly summarized in the course. In addition to possible inconsistent translations over the course of centuries, we now know that not all the Scriptures have been included in what is today accepted version of the Bible. Even though it can be established that at least some Apocrypha is of dubious origin, this is far from certain with other books, such as the Gospel of Philip or the Gospel of Mary, that sometimes shed a different light on some of the teachings of Christ. I believe that effective Bible study should also consider these previously discarded Scriptures, even if they are not part of the Christian Canon.

This being said, the course, despite being too dogmatic at times, such as in the discussion on the Ten Commandments, provided good guidance for Bible study. In final analysis, effective Bible study is the task of each individual. In addition, it provided ministerial guidance, such as that on the Sacraments, abortion, prostitution, divorce and counseling that would be useful to any Christian minister.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers hand-fasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Metaphysics and Miracles

Dr. of Metaphysics ProgramMetaphysics and Miracles

Visualization is one of the concepts that struck a deep chord within me. I have long believed that thoughts have power, in that we must first think about something before we can act on it and bring the thought to fruition. Our belief, or thoughts about ourselves lead to acts that fulfill the picture our thoughts have created in our minds.

Most of us are not really aware of how this process serves to actually create our lives, but truly it all starts with the thought. The more clearly we picture something, the more likely we will see it reflected in our reality. On some level we have all seen it at work. When we worry about something happening, we often see what we worry about come to pass. The student who is fearful of exams typically does not do as well as the one who is confident. This does note necessarily reflect the level of preparation, because both students may be well prepared, but fear makes one freeze up, unable to pull the material out of their mind, while the confident one is able to breeze through the exam.

Performers can all attest to the difference in their performance on the occasions where they feel confident versus the days when they are worried that they will not perform well. To take it a step further, it is possible to picture oneself as successful, and see that very thing come to pass. Conversely, when we doubt ourselves we seem to attract the very thing we dread. In practice we can manifest things through our mental pictures.

While taking this course I happened one day to be looking online at some clothing on an online auction site. I admired some things I saw, but was really only looking since I didn’t have the money to be able to do any shopping at the time. I didn’t contact any of the vendors, speak to anyone about the items I had admired or even bookmark the pages on my computer. The next day after doing some reading about visualization, I sent out a prayer asking for abundance to manifest itself in my life. About a week later I received a package in the mail, marked sample, that contained two of the items I had admired on the internet.

I believe that my visual picture of those items combined with my conviction that the universe will provide for us if we simply get out of our own way mainifested those items into my reality. Can I do this every day? No. Sadly, like most people, I am the biggest limiter of my own reality. We have been trained to look at reality in a way that discourages us from believing in the power of manifesting the miraculous. But we have all experienced that power in at least small ways - the parking spot that opens up just when we desperately need it, the small coincidences that fall into place.

When we are able to suspend doubt, we reach for the impossible and make it happen. The trick is in being able to recognize that it is not God who makes us small, it is our lack of belief in our oneness with the Creator that limits us.

As a child I was taught that God is everywhere. In my child’s mind I took that to mean that God was in the grass and the trees and the rocks, in every living creature on this planet and also in each of us. If we reach back into that childlike acceptance of the limitlessness of God, we may start to love the part of God that also resides within ourselves and makes miracles possible.


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Comparative Religion

Comparative Religion
In studying the different religions of the world and the histories of these belief systems, I see an underlying commonality in the universal need of mankind to make sense of the world; rather than coming away with a sense of differentiation, I see a unity in their evolution. If we reverse the histories of today’s major religions, we can see common ancestry in all basic beliefs. For example, the existence of multiple flood stories- the similarities of which cannot be dismissed- and the assimilation of pagan deities, oral traditions and rituals into the modern ecclesiastic dynamics of Christian-based religions argues to the fact that ancient religions have not died, but have been absorbed and transformed. I feel that, in taking this course, I’ve come away with a better sense of the brotherhood of mankind. One cannot study this course and remain disconnected from the whole.

I particularly liked the extent of comparison and the inclusion of related books that have been left out of the present Bible. I found it fascinating that the early church fathers felt compelled to omit any writings that favored an elevated role of women in the church, the dismissal of Gnostic beliefs, and the degree to which politics have influenced dogma. The fluidity and adaptability of religious belief is paramount in it’s remaining viable in a changing world. Societal justification of gender and race discrimination through the manipulative use of religious rhetoric incites rifts in the community and dissonance in the world. "Concerns over religious cohesiveness and identity vary with social and political circumstances." (Lesson 20- Assimilation) It’s a matter of control for the status quo. Let’s not forget that organized religion today is big business... and big money. Historically, the many schisms that formed the major religions that exist today have been influenced by money and power. This is not to say that the religions themselves have been corrupted as such, but that the leaders are not immune to these influences. This course returns one to the foundation of personal belief through knowledge, and knowledge is power. By learning more about our belief structures, we empower ourselves to better serve our G_d (and/or G_dess). By understanding and respecting the beliefs of others, we bring the family of man closer together- which is truly doing G_d’s work.

As I found this course so personally satisfying, it would be difficult to say what I liked the least. I think that I would have liked more content on Nature-based ancient religions and Wicca. And possibly, a more in-depth correlation between ancient Judaism and the beliefs of the indigenous people of that region (E.G. The gems in the breastplates of the Temple Priests and their significance). More than anything else, I feel that this course inspires the student to search for more information, and the links provided are invaluable.

I eagerly look forward to taking more courses from Rev. Kythera Ann.

Rev. Diane Young Chrisitian


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Paganism Study Course
Paganism for a New Age

This course provided a good review of many different Pagan practices and traditions, but for me only touched on the heart of Paganism, which is the interconnectedness of all of creation. We are, each of us, tied to all that is – the earth, sky, wind, rain, planets, plants, trees, all earth’s creatures and each other. What happens to one affects all, however subtly. Recognizing and honoring our interconnectedness, being in tune with that is the true celebratory act of worship of the Creator.

Rituals may help us to remember to honor the God and Goddess, but the true power of Paganism is in stepping on the earth and touching a tree or stone, feeling the wind or rain, and feeling the flow of universal energy around and through us.

As in any religion, ritual is a double edged blade. It can be a focus for reverent worship and spiritual connection with the creator or it may become a routine, acted out, but without life. I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church, and the richness of its rituals and symbolism still speak to me. But it was immensely illustrative of how true spirituality can get easily laid aside in the familiarity of ritualistic practice. I saw many around me going through the motions, but precious little real spiritual experience.

I have been a practicing solitary Pagan for most of my life, having searched for answers that organized religion did not seem to address in any real and meaningful way. Although for some ritual creates a powerful focus and mind set of entering into communion with God, for many ritual provides only an easy excuse to avoid actually DOING THE WORK. Rituals, tools and symbols can be powerful prods to focusing our minds and hearts. But the critical piece is in actually making the spiritual connection. The experience is as real as we make it be.

The author I think tried to convey this fact for she frequently advised us to research and find paths and methods that we were drawn to. It is important to use what we find as a starting point in finding what practices make the connection real for us. Simply going through the motions of someone else’s ritual is a place to begin. But we must each struggle to find our own real way of honoring God or Goddess in a manner that allows a true spiritual experience. For some this may entail developing precise rituals, consecrated tools and rich symbolism. For others this may be as simple as stepping out onto the earth with an open heart.

Rev. Cynthia Boelens


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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