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Monday, January 30, 2006

Metaphysics and Miracles

A course in miracles study
My life and Miracles
By Joseph Marion

During the last 20 weeks I have had some real life changing miracles happen.

I’ve always had problems in dealing with my most basic emotions, like anger, resentment, patience, and envy. As the weeks past, there was something going on inside, I started to respond in a more gentle way both inside and out. Something that someone would say or do would usually anger me.

Now I would stop going overboard like many times before. Instead of letting the anger build, as I’ve done for years, I would remember to pray for love and patience. This is not something that is going to be fixed overnight. But with prayers and meditation, I will not need counseling and medication. I am starting to balance myself through love and forgiveness.

I am starting to love through charity and giving. It’s funny that as my understanding of love has changed, so have the challanges that I face every day. But I see now that this is just another story that has to unfold. And as I go back to the lessons again, things just seem to get a little clearer. I have tried to change the way others might respond, But I see that it is my response that changes the event.

The very first lesson on connecting to the higher conscience and letting go of ego, has taught me to feel what is going on rather than trying to think about it. The more important things around are not material possessions, or lacking something I don’t have. But that the Kingdom of God is right here right now. And it is only when we let our ego control us that we fall back into the false beliefs. By letting ourselves love life and one another, by forgiving each other and ourselves, by walking in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Then we will shine through the most difficult of situations that come along.This is a tool that I can use every day. As long as my desires and intentions are in line with the Holy Spirit, I can live a life pretty much free of guilt and sorrow. I can arm myself with these weapons to fight off those addictions and lusts that come my way. Through the Holy Spirit, in prayer and meditation, I can feel the love of God entering my life in new ways every day.

I can start to see the paths of the Garden in front of me. I can walk with the Holy Spirit and take others along for a walk if they want to go. Thank-you very much for this gift that you have given me. I will be sure to pass it along to others that I know. I will always try to walk with the Holy Spirit.

Love and light. Joe.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

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