“Fear enters when love is not present.” My belief is that Love is always present because that’s what God is; God is Love. God is eternal therefore whatever God is, is eternal and will always exist. Since God is Love, then Love is also eternal and will always exist or in other terms Love will always be present. Love is always present therefore the statement, fear enters when love is not present, is an invalid statement.
If love is always present then why are we not always love or loving or feeling lovable, etc? This is where our free will comes into play. Love is always present and we have the choice to embrace this ever present Love or deny it. When we make the choice to deny or turn away from Love is when we create the illusion of fear.
Fear is an illusion because fear does not exist in the Now. When one has fear one is thinking about the past or the present. Eternity is now. There is no past or present with eternity there is only now. God is eternal therefore God is not fear therefore fear is not real because only God is real. Love and fear are irreconcilable. Love is the reality of God and fear is the illusion of the ego. Reality (Love) and illusion (Fear) can not be in the same place at the same time. If you deny the eternal or real then you must create an illusion to justify the denial of the reality and if you accept the real then there is no void to fill up with an illusion.
To sum it up, the illusion of fear enters only when one denies the reality of love. Since this chapter is about attention, a better way to start this paragraph would be, “Fear enters when attention is taken off of love.”
This is my belief.
By Cindy Bartholome
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