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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest – The Book
Rev. Nick Federspiel, M.Min.

FIRST, I am a practicing Minister at a college campus chapel, but I don’t consider myself a “spiritual man.” What! you exclaim how can that be? A believer I am, yes; a Christian historian, yes; an apologeticist, yes; but a sitting cross legged and humming spiritualist – ah - No. One Spirit Quest e-lesson inspires one to send a grounding rod to the center of the earth! Now, I am a dual discipline educated engineer, and WOW, I know that will be a project. The earth has a radius of 3,912 miles plus or minus some ruts in my ranch road. My ranch is in oil and gas country and anybody around here will tell you that a drilling operation of that scope using typical fifty foot steel drill stem will take 414,672 pieces of it! Now just to get that delivered will take 4,000 semi truck loads of drill stem, and OMG what will the federal drilling site land use permit look like!

See, that is my problem. Everything in my life has been accompanied by a sanity check and cost benefit and time study analysis. My project sanity, cost benefit analysis, spread sheet and power point ” for Spirit Quest is about an 8 hour reading session, an 8 month study project; (30 ULC e-lessons); $70.00 tuition and the benefit, aside from the spiritual, is 5 ULC credits. Rev. Amy Long, the author, says at the top of page 8 of 312 pages that I am to start with a project title: “MY SPIRITUAL GOALS” and I quote: “in nice big letters:

• Learn the spiritual tools to protect oneself against a negative life,
• Learn the secrets of spiritual growth
• Learn where you fit in the universe!!!
• Make room in your life for love and joy….. and so much more…..

Okay! Let’s drill! Ah, But why?

Amy Long relates a story of a woman at work on the receiving end of an (unjust) tirade. She “took a deep breath, closed her eyes enough to imagine her grounding cord, the onslaught of negative energy slammed into her, dropped down her grounding cord to the center of the planet;” sort of one’s lightening rod. A ‘strike’ is grounded.

A Rose is a Rose … One loves roses, at least the ladies, and when a guy slips up, he likes them also as that seems to be what men get for the ladies when, well, Mars fails to align properly with Venus. What are we to do we do with the perfect rose? “This rose has the ability to collect negative energy, a personal ‘NCG Enterprise force field’ when it withers get (create!) another.” Each time one uses (up) one’s grounding cord and protection rose one creates another, each better through spiritual exercise and practice then its predecessor. Ever better successors make for more enjoyable successes. Chance favors the prepared; but (you) leave nothing to chance, keep a protection rose handy at all times! It will drive everyone else that is not a spiritual horticulturalist completely nuts.

One seems to be exposing roses to danger which ruins its beauty – better the rose than you! I am not sure why a rose, perhaps its beauty puts the spiritual enemies into a false sense of security. Amy Long says when the overloaded rose explodes it leaves a vacuum in the energy force field to be filled ASAP with one’s good energy. That energy comes from one’s on-call gold sun – one’s ‘Ra.’ As in Egyptian Amun Ra, all things good radiate from the sun. I call this one of life’s “truisms:” bad people hurt good people – or try. Amy Long puts it simply, “Bad people destroy what good people create.” Your ‘gold sun’ is your spiritually sensitive positive energy source. Destroying the negative and the old spiritual junk one replaces it with a new rose and grounding cord. The Good News is the more one practices the sequence the better one becomes at doing it and the greater the realized benefits.

I paraphrase a recent ULC course statement that said that: science wished it could peer into the mind of God and see his will interacting with his energy to create all we see and use. I added in my Sunday sermon: in which He is (was) well pleased. Amy Long in chapter seven, “As you know your body is made up of energy.” What would a scientist say? The formula is mass (your body) is equal to your Energy plus the speed of your golden sun light squared i.e. E=MC2

“From your comfortable spot,” Amy says, “and while sitting in the center of your head, I’d like you to imagine that you can see far into the universe … until you see an area that is clean and pure.” A Christian minister might be reminded of Heaven. “and collect,” she continues, “its cosmic energy, clean, pure, light the healing energy for your body.” Hmmm, then perhaps to an engineer does this mean ‘your mass’ equals God’s willed energy, us created in his image, thus all energy in him is in us (you) times the speed of his delivered identity speed = ‘light healing energy’ to you squared. Mathematically, therefore you equal God’s Willed Spiritual Energy (WSE) cubed (3). Bring on that golden sun! You = WSE3 Perhaps that is not perfect math but it makes the point – you are a lot of energy.

Chakras? Chakras! “Your body as you may be aware,” Amy reminds us, “is made of energy, a point on which spirit and science agree.” (i.e. my ‘you’ = WSE3 ). “Chakras” are the control center for your energy for your body (page 111). Amy Long continues: “Your fourth chakra is your heart chakra … where people get the idea that ‘things come from the heart.’ This sequence of chakras crowns one’s head where knowingness is … where epiphanies come from…”

I have to ask if we are peering out into space to find the pure energy, are we talking about one of the fundamental elements of the universe? Did God, who created it all, create pure energy regions within the universe? Science says all the known mass of the universe leaves the majority of its matter unaccounted for. Since matter is the storehouse for energy, according to the laws and the theorists of physics, then perhaps the vast “dark matter,” the missing invisible matter as physicists referred to it, is at least in part, this pure cosmic energy. It is invisible, as ‘pure cosmic energy’ might well be considered to be. If so there might well be an unlimited abundance of it for our ‘ChakRas’ to control and use for creating and recreating an ever improved self conscientiousness. The sun is the visible energy of the universe and the dark matter is the invisible pure energy of cosmos and God’s will awaiting your discovery. Go for it!

Karma, the old saying is: good karma begets good karma, and bad karma, well, is not so good. Almost at mid book (page 135) Amy Long brings up karma, “at its most basic level is the law of balance … if you are a fan of Star Trek the Federation of Planets was formed when all the Earth was at peace … obviously that has not happened yet … energy is intensity and intensity is karma …” and Page 143: “When you are operating out of love (certainly good karma projected to reinforce others’ gold suns) then one is:
• A perfect being
• God Loves you, (as)
• By perfection,
• For perfection,
• Your success is guaranteed.”

I know that is the way it is: John 15:12; GNV: This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Genesis 1:28-31: God created man and women in his own image (his conscientiousness image i.e. Genesis 1:26) of which he was well pleased. Finally in Genesis 2:4: “and that is how the universe was created.”

How is spirit communicated is the topic for chapter 19 which says: “When scientists were (are) searching for life out in the universe they projected numbers as a basic means of communication between two species assuming intelligent life will understand them.” A true fact as numbers were part of the symbolism, which includes our solar system, aboard the Voyager space craft, now well out of the solar system and still functional. When and if it finds an alien species I trust they will be all of good karma. Amy Long says the number ‘three’ is a good number as in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for example, the “3 triads” include: stop, look and listen; love-fear-anger; and love-trust-hope, etc.

Want more fun out of life? Amy Long says sex is the closest some people get to saying a ‘spiritual Hello’ to a partner, and “the other benefit of sex is that ‘done right’ … try sending gold bubbles of hellos to you partner and see what the response is to the energy from your chakra to their chakra.” I’ll quit there on this one!

What happens if you get stuck along your spiritual journey? It happens to all of us. “If I get stuck” Amy Long writes, “on a word or a concept that I don’t understand or that I am not ready to hear, then nothing afterward makes any sense … if your mind is closed to new ideas and new people you will quickly find yourself stuck …” One has to use all the tools to get unstuck and resurrect creation energy – one tool being meditation.

DREAMS are the stuff of lesson 25. I don’t know about everyone else, but if I am stuck I dream – even ‘Walter Mitty’ a bit. What could I be if I get unstuck? My dream answers that thus to me day-dreaming is not all bad. Amy Long calls it astro-travel using your trance-medium channels. “When you are asleep, you go through your third chakra, connected to a silver cord of energy (pg 251) which connects your physical body to your astral body … something you can visualize during meditation … genuine dreaming is when you review the events of the day and process them. It is what you do when you are working through a problem. This is why people always say I’ll sleep in it.”

Alas, I have tinnitus. When I get a good night’s sleep and perhaps including a good karma dream, I awake tinnitus free. If I go to sleep ‘stuck’ and awake unrefreshed, then my tinnitus ruins my next day. I suppose in that case my astro-traveling went no where. I failed to connect to my ‘healing energy.’ It may be defined as a dream, but to me it is reality. Frankly, a pure spirit, roses, grounding cords, silver cords and astro-travel aside, or included, the failure to rejuvenate one’s creative spirit is a creative energy power failure; or put another way a stuck spirit, which all leads to bad physical health. Regardless of how any self help spiritualist like Amy Long, or any others, define the benefits of spiritualism, the bottom line is if one desires to live a happy healthy life physically and emotionally, to be perceived as a great person, a nice person, one who Jesus will not blot out of the Book of Life (Rev. 3:5) then one needs to pay serious attention to the concepts of spiritualism.

The truth will set you free, if you recognize it that is. Rev. Amy Long writes, “The way to determine this (a truth or a lie) is fairly simple you put up a rose for a truth or a lie. The rose stands strong and tall if it is the truth. If it’s a lie, then it withers.” (Maybe the lie’s captured negative energy explodes it.) These days lies and scams are omnipresent because of the failure of religion to reach enough people and the laziness of people to accept spiritualism and religion over the last two generations (post 1960s). One reason for that are politicians who restrict the morality and teachings of ethics inherent in most religions, Eastern and Western, from being taught to the young and impressionable while in school. “In the ULC Seminary there are tons of belief systems represented … People search until they find what they are looking for .., Pg 313.” I hope they have their silver cords connected so that their ‘Chak-Ra’ control center always is in need an upgrade to keep pace with the ever increasing collection of willed spiritual energy inherent in the universe, as God made it, and available to us all.

“Be Well.”


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