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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Metaphysics Course

Every Day Miracles
Final essay
Rev. William Fowler

The title for this course is easily overlooked because the eye focuses on the word ‘miracle’. I made this mistake and was disappointed when, having gone thru the course once, no flash in the sky or lotto winning miracle occurred. The truth came slowly the second time thru and was reinforced, and learned, the third time thru. The truth is that small ‘every day miracles’ promote a better Alchemical development because there is no flash in the sky. The sudden miraculous alterations tend to disrupt and disorient the mind, as opposed to a string of small successes that slowly builds ones confidence and allows a natural awakening to take place. The acceptance of this fact finally allowed me to appreciate the Carl Jung undercurrent (knowledge of God’s Way), use of Now (as described in The Power of NOW ), and references consistent with Quantum Physics , in this awakening.

Chapter one, while rather simplified, does give some instructional separation points between “conscious” mind and Spirit. The Ego, equalized in chapter 2 and villainized throughout the remainder of the course, may (or may not) be the proper title for it; however, it became clear as I progressed thru the course that there is a counter –development essence working against spiritual development. During years of Rosicrucian studies, a ‘dark night’ syndrome used to follow each initiation with an impact equal (though opposite) to the positive benefit of the initiation. These were assumed to be a phenomena (i.e., action-reaction). The course has allowed me to see these ‘dark nights’ as part of an essence that (I won’t call malevolent because I do not believe in evil) is counter to spiritual advancement. Each of the “cures” of ego effect mentioned in the course had some positive impact, but only thru constant attention and use of varied “cures” has there been peace and progress.

Chapter 3, on Nature and Creation, did not ring true for me and I apologize to the author for not being able to reach her understanding of ‘Guilt’ as an underlying cause.

Chapter 4, on Projection, was excellent and very consistent with Quantum Physics and the famous “two slit experiment”2. In truth “Projection makes Perception”, the trick is to consciously control the projector.

Chapter 5, Meditation, was good (especially with the audio tape provided) if somewhat limited. Many disciplines (i.e., Hindu , Buddhist , Tao , Bon , Sufi , Sikh , etc.) consider meditation the only tool. Catholism, usually considered a non-meditative religion also has its’ meditation adherents (St. Ignatius of Loyola ).

Chapters 6-9 (Desire, Purpose, Intention, and Attention) are for me, four arrows shot from the same bow. Four different tools used to create chapter 10, the Visualization. It is Visualization, properly created and empowered, that is the miracle.

Chapters 11-15 (releasing the past, releasing illusion, asking for help, and surrendering attachments) are good instructions on the use of powerful tools. These tools, for me, are most effective in the preparation and practice of Meditation (see chapter 5 above); therefore, I use them more to set the ‘atmosphere’ of my essence before using the focusing tools of chapters 6-9.

Chapters 16-20 (Health, Money, Work, Addictions) are very insightful examples of uses, or purposes, for this program. My work with this program is ongoing with three of these purposes, so any report on specific results will have to await a future date.

The only “error” (if it can be called that) is the reference to the past as unalterable in the future. This is an ‘apparent’ physical limitation (I use ‘apparent’ because certain blind studies have demonstrated the physical possibility), certainly not a Spiritual limitation. It could lead to unexpected results, if you assume a limitation that does not exist.

The last line (by St. Augustine) “Love, and do what you will”, is a recurring truth (see Wiccan Law, also A. Crowleys’ Book of the Law, etc.) that holds special meaning for me. It sums up the course at the same time, though lightly veiled, offers a most powerful warning. Real Love, is for me pure Spirit, is God’s Love, is Tao, is Nirvana, is Rapture (Sufi), etc. Therefore, if you create with Real Love as your motivation, then “GOOD” will be your results. Otherwise creates otherwise!

Overall, I am pleased and feel ‘bettered’ for having practiced this course. I certainly would consider another course by the same author.

Rev. William Fowler
June 12, 2007


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