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Monday, January 22, 2007

Wiccan Course

Wiccan Course Study - ULC Seminary
Mystical, Magikal Wicca
Rev. Lucinda Parker

This is by far the most difficult class I have taken at the seminary. Lord Starwalker presents an incredible amount of information about Wicca. I admit I didn't know much going in, but I know a whole lot coming out!!!

An overpowering and insurmountable block for me in this class is that Lord Starwalker passed on right after I started this class. I knew that. I knew that the class would be presented exactly as he wrote it. Unfortunately, every time there was a link to his website or forum groups which are now down, I lost my ability to concentrate on his words and lessons. There were times I really would have liked to email him or participate in a forum.

His writing and teaching style are extremely personable. You really want to talk to the man. It is my shortcoming in that I could not get past this. I did learn a lot about Wicca though. I didn't know enough to fill a thimble, and now I'm ready to try his banishing ritual from the last lesson!

He presents different practices of Wicca, which I found quite interesting. I have read some of Isaac Bonewits works and Scott Cunningham, so taking these lessons were excellent as they provided yet another view of present day Wicca practices.

Perhaps for many, knowing that Lord Starwalker has passed on and the web links and forums are gone won't be a stumbling block. They may not have been for me if he hadn't passed the week I got my first lesson. I'm glad I took the class. I have saved every e mail and will go back through the class at a later time to reread and hopefully more fully concentrate on all the information he so gladly shared with us in this class.

Rev. Lucinda Parker


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