Rev. Flaviana Kalehua Vidinha
Thank you for the History Lessons and the sharing of your own life’s journey!
The phrases “knowledge is power” and “you’re never too old to learn” fits perfectly with this course.
I found this course to be a validation to what I’ve learned in my life’s journey. But reading and learning all over in a different view (of being a minister), seems to be a harder task that we face. And the most important thing is being an example of all that you’ve learned & putting it all into practice. Granted being humble, patience, kind etc. is sometimes very hard too do, and being a good listener and trying your best not to judge that person is even a harder task! I, have to remember that I can’t make others do what I want them to do but that I can only help them to get on the “path” of God’s love. It’s through his “grace” that we are all saved!
Our greatest example is the son of God, and yes Jesus himself was tempted but over came! He is our teacher and the greatest thing that we can do is learn from his example and try to put into practice the lessons of be humble, kind, patience, understanding, Love etc.. He is a tough example to follow!
I thank you for this course “Defining Spiritualism”.
Rev. Flaviana Kalehua Vidinha
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