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These are some of the most amazing stories about what a great job our Universal Life Church ministers are doing. These are stories of why they became ordained, the courses they've taken, and the great things they are doing with their ministries.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Comparative Religion

Kipper T. Rowen

As I sat there, feeling the effects of a combination of the rattlesnakes venom, alcohol and drug overdose, all surging through my body; awaiting for what my GOD was going to do to me at any moment; I never felt closer to HIM/HER and never farther away from HIM/HER at the same time, than I did at that moment; A feeling of the immense grandeur of life. That is the feeling that Rev. Kythera Ann’s Comparative Religion Course induced in me after 3 reads. She and The ULC have been satisfying my 54 year search for purpose in leaps and bounds. She has opened door after door, leaving me literally craving more and more; and then wanting to share the astounding revelations to others as a compassionate, sincere, and caring minister with a renewed love of life and my fellow travelers.

The awareness of past and current cultures, their rites and ceremonies, their origins, and in some cases their demise, many of which I have never heard of, literally, (excuse the basic language) BLEW me away. The world is huge and it’s population expanding by the day. What led me to that night and the reason for comparing the Reverend’s course to it is to get my point across, which is simply, that there is more to our lives than the monthly mortgage and our daily car pool. Obviously my CREATOR didn’t want this seeker; I was given a renewed life. Reverend Kythera Ann’s course has added to that revelation of the immensity of life on earth which will be offered to all I’m able and privileged to minister to for the rest of my life. So I will end the Reverend’s first topic requested for this essay “What you gained from this course?“ I could use all the adjectives in my Rand-McNally to describe her gift to me.

The gift ULC has also given me and that is the filling of the ‘hole’ in my heart that made me a searcher for 54 years. This course is as advertised, the most comprehensive course offered. That description doesn’t even begin to describe what a sojourner will unveil in their lives while delving into the 20 discourses. I came away with a new conviction of faith, tolerance and understanding for all inhabitants of this planet, and what for me is just as important, a new respect for my efforts of floundering, that has brought me through life, with the opportunity to help others with a new understanding.

With the Reverend’s kind permission and tolerance from the reader, I’d like to offer a brief analogy, which I feel applies to this amazing course. For the longest time, we held the belief that the smallest unit that makes up matter was the molecule. An amazing revelation that helped us accept a truth that difference between different matters was just the rearrangement of molecules, which existed in various combinations exclusive to each object being subjected to examination. Then Lo and Behold (sorry), a scientist with unending ambition discovered the molecule wasn’t the smallest component of matter. The molecule was made up of ‘atoms’. This was the absolute truth our knowledge and minds could rationalize at that time. Then within a few years, WOW! Was probably the response by the Physicist when he/she was able to see into an atom and found the smallest, or so they thought, element in the makeup of matter. They discovered the proton, neutron and electron!

This, again, was the ultimate conclusion reached with any degree of accuracy, what matter was composed of. Then in 1963, a physicist by the name of Murray Gell-Mann, looked inside the proton, neutron and electron and what he saw he coined the term Quantum Chromo dynamics (or quark model). Again, Shocking! Then in a very short time, technology advanced so rapidly, there was no end to what we could learn. This was demonstrated when another group of Physicists probed the ‘quark model’ and found the “smallest particle” of matter, isn’t matter at all, but a series of fluctuating “packets” of energy. The rate of fluctuation of the ‘packets’ and the rate of the intensity and polarity fluctuations determines what that matter under examination is. The varying rates determine the make up. So now we have matter, that isn’t actually matter as originally thought. What we have is “matter’’ made up of constantly vibrating energy. This is the ultimate truth of this research. Now have we gone to the farthest limits of our discoveries? We ask, how do the ‘packets’ keep vibrating? Perhaps we’ve found the GOD/Goddess, we are told lives inside each of use as ‘Spirit’. Time will tell and eventually end this saga.

I relate this common knowledge for a singular purpose. Just as scientist reach an ultimate conclusion, so we as sojourners on the unveiling path of Spiritual knowledge, realize there is more to religions of the world at every step of increased awareness,; where we feel we have attained the ultimate knowledge. There’s nothing more to learn. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Some one will open our eyes a little bit more towards what will be accepted as final, true reality; with supporting evidence to support the new ‘ultimate knowledge’. They will present us with a wealth of knowledge, just as Rev. Kythera Ann has done for me.

It is true, most of what religions are composed of, is all based on historical facts as their foundations. But esoteric thought prevails into areas we are still calling “molecules”. What can we expect from the Spiritual Physicist, Kythera Ann? I think the universe is the limit. A place where GOD or Gods/Goddesses came into existence, a place of beginning where there is no beginning and extends to the other limit, a place where the cessation of everything occurs in a place that has no ending. This course has opened my eyes to worlds and stories, begging to be revealed and then scrutinized. Where will we go now? Only the CREATOR/Creators know absolutely. Religion takes an understanding and empathy between different people of different religious truths, (denoted as ‘ecumenical’), to the next higher rung on the ladder of higher accepted common knowledge and co-operation between these different people. This reality is disguised so well that it remains unknown until an appointed bearer is prompted to illuminate the ‘next rung’.

If we were to travel back into man’s earliest beginnings, to observe what evolutionists call the Cro-Magnon man, we would in all probability observe him as he stared at the sun’s travel across the sky that comprised his world. At night, he most likely wondered time and time again, what the glowing orb that traveled across the sky was. He had no understanding beyond his perceived reality of a ‘magic’ occurrence. Man’s first religion possibly, based on the ’magic’ of the sun and moon. This served his/her purpose for existing and more importantly it gave them something to believe in, in the realm of a higher power, that comforted them; filled their ‘emptiness’ and ‘longing’ for something to make their lives less confusing. Now flash forward to the year 2006 C.E. The comparisons are mind boggling! Now flash again 2000 years into the future. What will the panoramic view from the religions of the world be then? This is taking license in variables called self annihilation, a new religion solely based on science and whether we have succeeded as ministers in preventing self destruction.

The amazing insight of the Reverend is found in abundance in her statement “That when one studies different religious traditions, one is struck by the repeated similarities of basic truths”. What matters is not who influences who, but what does matter is the exploration of the positive similarities. The willingness, among peoples of different religious preferences, and yes, even of different ethnic backgrounds, can only conceive a positive multi-faceted element of spirituality in every individual. A positive example of this principle is in the existence and success of the ULC.

We, of the human species, are capable of receiving only the revelations/epiphanies that correspond to what we hear ‘inside’ each of us. When Christ tells a parable to the people (exoteric teaching), He is re-assuring the multitude of souls about “Divine Mercy” which circumvents all rational thought processes of the aimlessly wanderings of the human minds in that time period. But intuitively it reaches their souls via direct access.

I have had, in 54 years, extensive instruction in four of the many belief systems mentioned in this course; the Masons (Masonic ‘Blue’ Lodge) where I held the office of Chaplain, two years in the Rosicrucian, 13 years practicing Zen Buddhism, and two doctrines of Christian belief, one holding to legalistic beliefs and the other non-denominational, and now the Universal Life Church, of which this course exemplifies. The legalistic view was presented and enthralled me when its liturgy was conducted all in Latin. In my opinion, it provided a part of my personal belief system I’m trying to improve upon. To be held to the law (of Moses) is fine for some people, but I needed to keep searching, which I did several more times ending up in the Universal Life Church where every one respects everyone else in perfect harmony, Doing What is Right.

At this juncture I should get back on track and answer another of the Reverend’s questions we were asked to include in our essays. What I liked least about this course? What I found, to me, to be of any consequence in reality is actually not worth mentioning. So, in an effort to be a participant, and not just an accepter of what’s given me, I’ll continue. The recommended Book, “The Secret Teachings of All Ages”’ by Manly P. Hall, is an excellent addition to my ever expanding library, and an excellent source of information on the less traveled paths of beliefs; but even this disclosure of ’Masonic Secrets’ has several instances leaning toward inaccuracies; primarily with regards to the Masonic Lodge, it’s rituals, beliefs, allegories and order.

An example that could constitute a positive argument for a multiple course offerings of Comparative Religion Courses, would be delving deeper into the Mason Order (for men) and the Eastern Star (for women), and even the De Molay ( for teenage boys). Avoiding my seemingly propensity towards being long winded, the topic could further be explored past the present stopping point describing the 3 degrees of the Masonic Order, when in fact, the 3rd degree is a Master Mason, who is then offered the opportunity to travel farther into it’s order by entering different components that provide another 30 plus degrees depending on which order you choose, Consistory, Shriners, Scottish Rite, York Rite; all of which offer the initiate a treasure trove of advanced ‘secret knowledge’ and symbolic references that are now available on the shelves of any reputable book store, but would definitely be an excellent read, if presented correctly. This topic has in its offering, what used to be esoteric and allegorical teachings, all held in the strictest confidentiality, reduced not even to exoteric teachings but common knowledge for any and all who want to know “what was so secret?” This could very well explain why so many Lodges have shut their doors for good, due to lack of sincere, initiates. The number of even 3rd Degree Masons is apparently at an all time low in the United States.

The subject matter of Reverend Kythera Ann’s course I hold in my hands, actually astounded me when I began its study, simply because of the mass of accumulated knowledge she displayed. From her credits, I assume most of the information contained in the course came from her background and experience. To take on a project like this, are we to assume she used mass media storage to ‘fill in’, ‘to create’, etc.? It has been my experience that operating in a time frame on a project, with extensive research and a vast amount of knowledge to be acquired for an accurate and timely product, I’ve resorted more and more to mass storage databases. Unfortunately for me and my projects, this acquired database knowledge also brings with it’ a need for, at a minimum, of spot check proof reading. This would avert, unknowingly, inaccuracies that would be disseminated as truth, when in actuality, if not totally incorrect, it may hold at least modified truths.

While I’m on my soap box, I would like to comment on the quantity of topics presented in only 20 discourses. If you take into consideration the size of the topic count, “everything”, and “everywhere” will exclude some expectations of content that will vary from reader to reader (but as people like to say, you can’t please all the people, all the time…..). In this same train of thought, without the consultation of acknowledged ‘scholars’ on each different topic, the few errors I encountered (due to my three reads I presume) as I said previously, are minimal to the point of being irrelevant. As well as the Reverend presented new idea and lists of definitions and descriptions related to each topic, I still found myself referring to my old trusty Rand-McNally dictionary. She did provide strategic definitions, but I found numerous cases that will hinder the assimilation of knowledge by a lay person without an English Degree. A brief chapter, a mini-dictionary if you will, would be a welcomed addition for most readers in my opinion. The expanse of these twenty discourses will make it a welcome reference addition to my library, as there is too much to memorize. This brings me to the next question we are to provide an input for, “How you think this course could be improved?”

I’ve been hinting on various points throughout my essay. However, I’d like to expand on the multiple ‘volume/course’ idea. The present offering as it stands would do well to be offered in two parts, making the assault on that vast amount of tidbits much more appealing and readable. More subjects that were only given a picture in the courses present form could be elaborated upon and totally ignored subjects could be added to expand its knowledge available for reference. These alterations, in an attempt to make each discourse less daunting by reducing each discourse page count from the mid thirties to smaller 10 - 15 page count.

I would venture to guess that most of the members of the Seminaries students work at least part time and would relish the idea of smaller bites of information, making it more enjoyable and less of a chore. It would also allow the side-by-side comparison layout, of a parallel Bible format. I would re-order the course just to have the comparison charts and the expanded knowledge base. With the enlarged number of topics and the reduced size of each discourse, I’m of the thought that it would be feasible to enlarge the course from 1 twenty discourse entity to a four part, twenty discourse series. I haven’t read any other students input on this subject, I can only speak of my desire to have the common thread that runs through all religions of all time everywhere, laid out expertly as I would expect coming from Rev. Kythera Ann. I would very much like to see a discourse on the results of the introduction of politics and the effects of the varying geographical locations of the source of each religion.

My proof-reader has brought to me the argument that this course as it stands is only a ‘tease’ course, which is one that, wets the students whistle’ motivating him/her to investigate the topics of interest further, on his/her own. This idea has its merits until you take into consideration the application of that line of ‘interrogative study’ on this course as it presently stands. With less detail than would be made available in a four-volume series, the curious student could find it very easy to investigate the lot of all topics presently contained in the course now (granted it would consume much more time spent in finding the info).

If a student /seeker wanted to know anything about a specific religion or church history, he/she could route it out for themselves which would invalidate the need for this course in the first place. Returning back to the 4 volume idea, in the preparation and presentation of the expanded 4 volume series, I am making the assumption that the Rev. Kythera Ann would have a field day in their creation. The students would have the availability of four volumes of reference material, in smaller more palatable bits.; 4 volumes to refer to as their journeys progress in any of a multitude of directions. This present form of the course will stay as a valuable reference in my library. To top off my suggestion (I won’t say argument….that too negative!) the Universal Life Church Store would have 3 more fantastic additions to add to the curriculum, with the addition of more knowledge! One prevailing truth about knowledge in all philosophies is that knowledge begets knowledge, unending.

In conclusion; This Comparative Religion Course, as it stands, meets the Universal Life Church’s motto of “Do What Is Right.”. This course fills the bill without doubt. We are all one species. The only differences are where on the planet the seed of yearning for internal knowledge was planted and how it was then nurtured.; Thus, giving each of us the truths of the universe. As adults, this knowledge guides us to see what is right, what is wrong, what is up, what is down, what is good, what is bad, what is GOD/Goddess, what is evil?

“Do I have any other comments?” I have only one question. That being, why was my favorite Buddhist, Bodhidharma left out, when he had such an impact on the transmission of Buddhism to the Chinese and later to the Japanese which resulted in the birth of Zen Buddhism and a style of martial arts. He has had such a great impact on the development Zen and Gung Fu in the East that is training has even spread to our Western venues of religion and martial arts. His teachings and resulting Zazen practice has even motivated several Catholic Priests to master zazen, writing several books on the topic of ’Christian Zen Buddhists‘, while still maintaining their Christian vows as Catholic Priests. I began studying under my teacher in 1990 and even though I cultivate a love for Jesus Christ, His sacrifice and my GOD’s Divine Mercy daily, I still practice zazen 3 times a day. I found, as did the Priests I just mentioned, the common thread between the East and the West. We truly are all the same.

And FINALLY, “Would I be interested in taking other courses from Reverend Kythera Ann?” Let me answer that by saying that I found her knowledge and expertise to be totally under rated, only to be corrected by “direct transmission”, i.e. face to face. I would certainly count myself blessed to be able to take any of her classes she would teach in person. This course gets two thumbs-up from me!

To Reverend Kythera Ann, I would like to offer a statement that was a dedication made by my second favorite author, Charles Swindoll (my first being C. S. Lewis) in his book entitled “Swindoll’s Ultimate Book of Illustrations & Quotes” approved as a brief quotation for copyright fulfillment; Thomas Nelson Publishers; 1998 by Charles R. Swindoll”

This book (essay) is dedicated with great admiration to all my colleagues in ministry, especially those who work hard at communicating GOD’s truth with accuracy, clarity, and practicality, and therefore are in constant pursuit of “just the Right illustration”

To get the message across, lest they clothe the riches of Christ in rags.

Thank You, Reverend Kythera Ann
Thank You, Reverend Amy Long
Thank You, ULC Seminary
Thank You, my CREATOR………………………………....


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

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