Free Online Ordination

These are some of the most amazing stories about what a great job our Universal Life Church ministers are doing. These are stories of why they became ordained, the courses they've taken, and the great things they are doing with their ministries.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Master of Metaphysics

Master of Metaphysics
Dissertation- a formal written discourse or thesis, especially one submitted for a doctorate. noun. From the webster's Pocket Dictionary.

Essay Name: Metaphysics

Metaphysics Dissertation

I found myself in life having walked eight months spiritually, mentally, the direction for my soul-keep. And in the process of learning spirit, I was fortunate to accept responsibility. Responsibility is a very adult word. To me, its meaning implies that I take charge for my Spirit-Self. Life moved rapidly and the outer creation that, I or the world help create did break away. This was the same outer most crust that hurt my success to taking on a life all its own. Figuring out what those responsible 'others' true intentions were, made more sense to me in my present life. Spirit-Quest help me to understand that I am not a foundling on my way around the tugging disappointments in a straight line, just for me. I Either just begun facing the current or freely ride along this desired path.

I can live with the fact I was not suppose follow the exact future those before me bestowed on top of my life. One, every time while receiving a new discourse, a significant change rose out from the ashes and started another ruckus. I have witnessed many changes and I have proof, such as leaving my old job. It's exciting every time I think about this change in my life. To better tell the story, nearly having to meditate, and tell the story. I am a professional psychic and the learning experience through Spirit-Quest made people take in what it is what I needed to tell them.

After one huge 'hello!', I was given a position that I did not have to test. In fact, I ask how and why. My current manager said that he did not know why, but he could just trust me. I wanted to test and warned him I do better in true situations rather than passing the two major tests. Thus, the two dreaded tests all psychics wanting to advance his or her career in the telecommunications industry. Now, I have a job and I did write my instructor, explaining how would I find a job, the President Rev. Amy Long. There shortly, I received knowledge from the infinite wisdom the universe offered. Of course, didn't I not want to make a wealth amount of money? I do want to make a living and I am not ashamed of this.

The point being made is that I decided to be a student of Spirit-Quest to perfect on my skills to helping others. Then the other very true fact, that I obtained a Metaphysical degree accredited through the American Accrediting Association (AAA), to make a living. I am a professional metaphysician and I am doing what both, the universe and I are loving. We are Ministering to others and using psychic ability to being insightful with a purpose in mind, that influences so many peoples lives.

I had to work out the differences in my own life before bringing on such a challenge. I thought that I would be finished and prayed that I might find other interests. I realized I'm at the starting blocks ready to run a journey. I am also sure that I will be taking up other discourses. I decided to take up a spiritual profession called, a life long student.

For instance, I could not have published my book with out taking an eight month time out designated to bringing about this secret project. I worked on it and have published my first metaphysical book called 'Healing in Life and Goals'. It is the first of more to come, because I get calls from spiritually gifted 'others' needing to know how I pick up on them well enough, as they haven't ever talked with me in this life. One of my discourses explained to me why that is and that there was a conversation in the other side. In fact, we discussed it already and it's recorded in the Akisha records. I thought to being favored to leaving behind the teachings and the books for those building both, his or her life and career. We can begin to imagine stepping in, taking charge in someone else life until we do this for ourselves.

My dream is extended into the physical plane. The responsibility of working in this life for others around the world has opened my concept of opportunity. I have been invited to speak all others around the world. This is the kind of honor that is in my visual screen. Though I feel this streaming through my entire being, I would not want to do anything unprepared.

Another great feats I accomplished is having poetry published and now will have the opportunity to seeing my work at an international level. This is validating to me because it plays an important part in me reaching clients all over and is expressed in the art of poetry. The other wonder is the response I get from the universe, which I interpreted as blessings. Meditations were complicated for me then, and now it's simple. I believe Universal Life Church Seminary and I were destined to meet up in this life. It feeling like I was protected and while I didn't have to be affected by the woes for living on planet Earth, I searched out freedom and expression. There are views for me to share and the knowledge has to come from an international source. The ULC Seminary is that source where I can gather my information because I choose to literally go out into the world to teach metaphysics.

Responsibly moving to another world will take endurance for the Spirit-Self, and the teachings is more than its worth. I have the one goal to take care of the expectations in place. I have even started a prayer chain and suddenly I don't see the word 'alone' blanketed away in mind. I see lively inter relative actions acting out in accordance to the universe. This is my experience making the crossings between lives and recommend without metaphysical degrees to never trend out.

Isaiah D. Reed, M.M.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Religious Philosophy

Master of Religious Philosophy at ULC Seminary

I found this to be an extremely fascinating subject. It has opened my eyes to different concepts and educated me in facts that I was unaware of. The course was written in a way that educate rather than dictate to someone. I found that very helpful in that father then telling me what I was to think you simply gave me the facts and allowed me to determine what I felt was relevant.

I discovered that there are more then 5,000 religions in the world according to the United Nations. I was unaware that that many religions existed on the planet.

I discovered the 5 elements that are used to differentiate a cult from a religion.

(a) Does the group have a charismatic, powerful leader(s)?

(b) Does it display a group mentality that denies individuality and personal, independent thoughts?

(c) Is there a denial of intimacy by excluding or alienating friends or relatives?

(d) Do they apply financial pressure and abuse for the welfare of the group, even at the personal expense of the adherent?

(e) Is there a separation and isolation from the surrounding community?

I never knew the guidelines that were utilized to determine the difference between cults and religions. I found them very interesting

I found the investigation into the study of man and religion dating back to the Neanderthal to modern man very interesting. The rituals that were practiced seemed compelling that indeed man has had a belief in religion for quite some time.

I was amazed to learn that there were in fact four faiths, Individualistic faith, Communal faith, Shamanistic faith and Ecclesiastical faith. As do most individuals I presumed that faith and religion were as one. With the examples that were given it made more of an impact and thus educated me into thinking in a different way.

I found it fascinating how different religions viewed each other. Between the Christians, Hinduism, Buddhism and so on. For example the fact that other religions view Christians as believing in more then one god was fascinating to me. I had always thought of one God. However in viewing the example given that it could easily be viewed as; the father, the son and the holy ghost. I can see how other religions could come to those conclusions.

I thought that the 5 A’s of religions was interesting, Awareness, Acknowledgment, Acceptance and Amalgamation. I had not though of other religions in that way but when it is broken down it make sense. Between those and the four religious expressions, Myth, Doctrine, Scripture and Sacred Space they make for very interesting reading.

I found it difficult to decipher the code in chapter 11. I can now see the difficulty in not only deciphering the writing but how a simply grammatical error could change the entire context.

One of the most interesting facts that I learned and am still in awe over is that the story of Noah was in fact told by the Sumerians nearly 2000 years before the Hebrews ever wrote it. This does through an interest though into the study of the bible. If you read the bible and except it at face value without the knowledge that there may be different interpretations are you truly getting the facts?

After studying this course I was I came away from it with a different outlook on religion. My beliefs have changed and as someone once said once a mind has been opened it can never be closed.

I thank you for the education and knowledge that you have given me.


Rev. Ronald D. Lance


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Comparative Religion

Rev. Ken Ayotte

This is the course that I was most interested in taking. To learn the history of various religions and to see the varying mythologies, connections and similarities between them has been enlightening and fascinating.

I truly enjoyed this course. It is amazing how people can ask so many questions that require answers that are just not possible to answer with the reference to the world that we have. It is in our nature as human beings to answer all questions asked of us. That is why science, religion and superstition exist. Why does the setting sun turn the sky red sometimes? What is a falling star? Any question that can be asked can be answered in many ways. Does the sky sometimes turn red while the sun is setting because of tiny particles in the atmosphere, like science teaches us? Or is it a gift from God, like religion teaches us? Or maybe a red sky is a good or a bad omen foretelling a great battle, like superstition teaches us. Then again, maybe it is something entirely out of our realm of understanding, something so far removed from us that we don't even have the capability to fathom a concept, let alone ask the appropriate questions. Our frame of reference or our limited understandings can not allow us to do so. And maybe it's just as well.

If we could answer every question with accurate certainty, would we even be human any more? What would be the point of living? We are not really here to have answers, we are here to have questions, and lots of them. A small child does not go around telling people everything he or she knows. The child will ask, "Why, why?", over and over again. And will probably continue to ask for the rest of its life. That is what makes people so different from all other forms of life we know of... the ability to ask and attempt to answer, no matter what.

It is also why we have so many different religions. Different regions, different beliefs. But as we examine these differing beliefs more closely, we find that maybe we aren't so different after all. There most certainly are differences, but there are also many similarities. The teachings of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, all teach us that there are common wrongs in life. The philosophies of ancient peoples as well as modern also teach us the same things. I find it fascinating and marvel at the complexity and wonder in what we call belief.
No matter how different people are, we are still people, and because of this, so are our beliefs. No culture believes that murder, or theft, or most of our laws are all right to break. Most of these laws were handed down from distant religious laws. All sacred scripts and enduring philosophies have given to us what we have today, no matter what part of the world they came from.

I strongly encourage everyone interested in comparative religion to watch "The Power of Myth". It is a series of six one hour conversations between mythologist Joseph Campbell and journalist Bill Moyers. This is an incredibly rich source of knowledge in the fields of mythology, philosophy and comparative religion and a real treasure trove of information. Just as this course was.

Dr. Ken Ayotte


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Comparative Religion

Comparative Religion - ULC Seminary

This letter is to act as my affirmation of completion of the Master of Comparative Religion Course as offered by the Universal Life Church and authored by
the Reverend Kythera Ann.

It is my pleasure to state that this course has opened my eyes to a great deal I wasn’t aware of as it pertained to the interactions and effects different religions and faiths have had upon each other in the history of human development. The appreciation of man’s development as a social animal awakening to his spiritual and collectively religious stance and place in his personal and group consciousness was very specifically pointed out for my better understanding. Specifically I found the understanding of rites and rituals to be of utmost importance.

It was an extreme pleasure to have things explained in a manner to be described as adult and scholarly. At no time was it the author’s stance or need to “talk down” or patronize the reader/student during the presentation of a complex and multi-directional format of instruction. Rev. Kythera Ann’s ability to draw close correlations to a point of understanding allowed for the ability to chronologically map the development of different religions and their interactions leading to the reality of faith as a course of society’s forward movement. This in turn allows the reader/student to better choose their own definitions and parameters when setting boundaries in the course of their worship.

The only matters I found to be of consequence appeared to be mechanical/ programming issues. It was noticed throughout the course that my computer was unable to assimilate and/or process the exact layout of the text offered. There were offsets and occasional placement issues on the page and its construction. This made it difficult to PRINT on my screen or computer. I feel I lost some of the information because of the PC format.

All other matters were of top quality and the selection of graphics was excellent.  It would seem the above stated issue and its correction would be the best format of forward movement. The placement of graphics and the translation was very good though occasionally “off the page”. It was my choice to use the landscape mode to overcome some of my problems but in general the core of the course was beyond reproach and quite worthy of praise.

The Reverend Kythera Ann’s presentation was excellent in its humanistic approach as well as maintaining an organic approach to the subject matter that couldn’t be ignored or failed to be appreciated. It was a masterful presentation allowing me to expand on some already heavily thought out and questioned historical
matters. It’s always been this student’s belief people are the basis of their experiences. Not to rule out the effects of others outside their social group, but the placement of religion and/or faith into the group dynamic as well as the reality of experiential function helps the individual to better blend with all his/her brothers and sisters on the planet. Through all of this it’s possible to develop a better appreciation and respect for other’s belief systems, especially in this time of world conflict showcasing serious socio/religious biases and misperceptions.

Maybe through courses of this sort better understanding could lead to fewer conflicts and wars. It would be with great pleasure and anticipation that I’d welcome the chance to study new offerings from Reverend Kythera Ann. It’s through her excellent research abilities as well as the clarity of her presentation I look forward to future efforts.

I remain your friend and colleague.

Rev. Richard J. Garwood


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Master of Religion

Christian Counseling at ULC Seminary
RE: Final Essay for Class Course by Rev. Tracey Loper
Bible Basics

Dearest Friends,

I appreciate the basics that I learned, as it is helpful in dealing with the varied and diverse spiritual beliefs among my clients and friends. The understanding will help me in my service to All humanity.

Thank you for an excellent bible basics course. This course brought me enlightenment about the bible. There was clarity given as well as validations to support the Bible as the Word of God. I was able to view the Bible itself as tangible evidence of the Word of God.

There was focus on prophets and prophecies of the Bible. The course encouraged study of the Bible vs. just referencing it or simply reading the Bible. Through this Course, I learned about different beliefs of the different faiths. The format of the class outlined al the information needed to study the bible from explaining it as a study guide of the Word of God. The 39 books of the old testament have so much information and profound wisdom.

There were many inspiring verses from the bible. I challenged myself to learn a verse that I could repeat when times were tough for me, as I have been suffering the grief of losing seven close family members in the past year. The verse I chose to memorize is quite simple and easy to remember and yet so powerful. It is found in Psalms 46:10. The verse states ‘Be Still and Know that I am God’. I have said it repeatedly as I deal with my grief and face worries in my life. I am reminded to remember that God has brought me victory, the ability to overcome, many problems that held me in bondage. The important thing for me is to seek God through prayer and meditation, so that I can develop confidence in God, and be in touch with his unfailing love for me, remembering that He will be my Guide and Strength, and Comfort as I face the struggles and grieves of life.

This course kept me focused as the format just flowed eloquently. I read the bible from cover to cover, in order, without skipping or moving ahead, and at my own pace and it has taken me sometime. Thus, I learned gradually, line by line, how to use the bible as a study tool.

The course suggested taking part in some form of worship. I began attending a praise and worship session once a week. The music uplifted me, raised my energy and vibrations, and brought me closer to God.

Peace be with you.

Rev. Tracey Loper


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Online Ordination

ULC Ordination
My Dear Brother in Jesus 

In the precious name of our LORD JESUS.  My dear brother and servant fellow in Jesus,  My name is Daud Isaac i am serving for my Lord Jesus as a Evangelist for the last 18 years under guidance of the Holy spirit,And my little family is also working with me,My suppose Three daughters and a son they are all of fullfil with the Holy spirit gifts by the grace of God.

Dear brother we are preaching Gospel among the musulim peoples and also serving in the poor christian peoples those who are working on the bricks making furneses that is called (Bhatta)in our urdu language,On one Bhatta there are 150 families are working and 200 bhattas in the area of (Shakhupura Districk) pakistan, Their childrens are also working with their parints they are slaves from generation to generation due to the curse of borrow because due to low rate of wages they get loan for their merriage celibrations or any other cerimonies when they cannot pay back within commited period they give their childrens for free work till up to pay back the loan,Dear brother we are serving in these peoples as evangelist we are preching Gosple and also trying to provide education their childrens and also trying to provide free medical facility.

Dear brother i am sending you our some ministory picturs,First of all Its our request to you and all to your ministory team,Remember in your indvisoul and combind prayers and secondly financial help for all of this ministory work(COMBINE CHRISTIAN EVANGLISM TEAM)will be highly thank full to you and your ministory team its our pray that may God richly bless all of you and save all of you under his mighty hand and grow up your ministory in the name of our Lord Jesus all over the world and save lot of sloes for his glory kingdom through your ministory (Amen)

Yours Loving Brother and Fellow servent in Jesus
Evangelist Daud Isaac
President (Combine Christian Evangelism Team)

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.  
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Online Ordination

Online Ordination
Hello, I am Rev. Ron Baams, founder and pastor of the Arizona Ministry of Life.

I received a Baccalaureate of Arts Degree in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts/Boston and a Master of Science Degree in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing from Boston College. I served clients as a nurse for over 27 years on psychitric units, cardiac unit, surgical units, intensive care units, and in emergency rooms. What has always struck me, and rather profoundly; is the impact that a person's spirituality, or lack of it, has on his healing and overall well being. In medicine in general, we make feeble attempts at addressing the client's spiritual needs, but the reality is that most healthcare professionals are not adequately trained in this area, or lack spirituality themselves.

Through my life I have had many trials and tribulations (as do all of us), and made many poor choices that hurt myself and others. In retrospect, these were times when I failed to recognize or accept the presence of God in my life. Yet, He still watched over me and carried me forward. I now give daily thanks and praise to Him for that. Having recognized God's grace, and accepting Him in my life, He has made me clearly see the path that He has chosen for me. That is to tend to people's spiritual needs in a way that they can accept, and do all I can to manifest His love and abundance for all. I became an ordained minister with a simple goal; let God's hand guide me in sharing His love and abundance.

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.  
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Buddhism Course

Buddhist Course
Dear Amy,
Thank you for that sharing of Buddhist as well as Hindu doctrine, I support any earth based belief systems that honor Truth the highest religion there is. My truth is based primarily around, sound is creation creation is sound, I am sacred sound practitioner and I believe we are vessels through which divine energy flows unimpeded, unobstructed and unfettered. Wholistic resonance is the missing link in all so-called belief systems. I feel specific frequencies could re-establish and harmonise the life we know and love. instead of the shot that was heard around the world thus striking fear and destruction!!! We could begin to hear a sound of such harmonics that would open up a way for global resonance, for in the beginning the world began with a sound and this sound was good....

Bright Blessings,
The Rev.Richard Gandiva Lorcan also known
as 'He who walks with thunder or, Thunderwalker and so it is...

To ordain yourself with the Universal Life Church, for Free, for Life, right now, use the Free Instant Online Ordination, button -- Click the link!

I've been a member of ULC for many years and our site has created a terrific ULC Forum. We also have the most extensive catalog of Universal Life Church materials and seminary courses. As an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've enjoyed watching the continual growth of the seminary.

The ULC Seminary has created an RSS Feed. RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication and through the magic of the internet, we can post articles and news stories and have them appear right on your personal computer screen through Yahoo, MSN, AOL or Google. It's a great way for you to keep in constant touch with what's new at the Seminary. Please use any of these buttons below, you can personalize your

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As an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since its inception, I've had the privilege of watching the Seminary grow. I've been a member of ULC for many years and our site has created a terrific ULC Forum. We also have the most extensive catalog of Universal Life Church materials.

Online Ordination

Hi Everyone,

I became a minister because I worked for a cabin rental company where I live and the staff decided they wanted their own minister to do weddings for them...and since I was the only one with any kind of religious background they decided I was the best for the job...this was awhile ago and since then the cabin rental company has gone out of business...but I decided I loved doing this so much and I really and truly felt God called me to do this that I continued with doing marriages for couples who truly wanted to be married....I loved being able to meet new people and working with them on planning there weddings...from a small intimate wedding to a big wedding...just to see their faces when I tell them they are husband and wife warms my heart...I thank God for everything He has given me and I honestly believe God put this into my life to help me believe there are great people out there who honestly love each other and love God and know in their hearts they are the right one for each other, and I get to be a part of this is how it started and now this is how it is...I enjoy what I do for others and what God has given to me and what the couples do for me as well.

Rev. Sandra Sanchez

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.  
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Online Ordination

Universal Life Church
I was ordained in Jan 2006, at 67 it is a great honour and joy for me to serve in this way. since being a child I wanted to be working for God but each i tried to enter the ministry I was turned down first in the assembly of God and then in the church of England.

So i became a reiki healer instead touching the lives of many people has given me so much joy but when i met someone here in the uk that had been ordained into the ulc I realized that at last my dream could be come a reality. the last year has been wonderful my ministry is still healing but now I know that truly I am working for the Lord and i have 35 people who work with me my own 'congregation' I am also a member of the church for the churchless.

God be with you.

All love and light, Rev Mollie.

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.  
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Online Ordination

Ordination at ULC
I have been a practicing Wiccan for a little over 20 years now. Several years back, I had some friends come up to me and wanted to do a Handfasting (a Pagan Marriage Ceremony). I said that it would be no problem. Then they ask if I could make it a legal ceremony. I told them at that time that I could not. Then someone else ask me days later if I could do a legal ceremony. Again I told them no. This time my brother was with me and he said to visit a website and handed me a piece of paper. On that paper was the name Universal Life Church. 

Being Wiccan/Pagan, I was a little hesitant. But he assured me that they are accepting. So I went online, and read everything I could. I then decided he was right. So I became ordained.

Since then, I have performed many ceremonies. If you are thinking about becoming ordained, do not wait. The ULC is a very organization and I am proud to be a part of such a diverse group.

Rev. David C. Reffitt

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.  
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Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount at ULC Seminary
The Sermon on the Mount Study One,

The sermon on the mount

From a different point of view concerning the sermon on the mount it must be described as the story of a great and powerful king, a strong, from of an all loving father and His children. His children that he loved more than it was possible for humanity to yet have experience while still remaining in unrestricted shells called bodies.

The sermon was the message of a loving and devoted father to those children of his that he had created out of love and a strong desire to share his life in this awesome creation of His, known as the heavens. How easy for us humans to understand the concept of this love, yet being only human we could never fully understand the debts that he The Father could indeed have felt concerning His beloved

His message had come at a time of great despair for human kind. Times of great confusion and a strong sense of loss, that can only be described as the great void. Our sin had created such a chasm so deep, so unimaginable that they might have felt such loneliness and great desperation of ever touching the heart of their God ever again. Without hope, there would be only blackness, without hope why would we want to continue to ever long to escape into the light ever again. In that light we would find great piece and all those answers we now seek of him as humans.
The desire of His children to be with their father again.

God so loved the world, his humanity that he gave his only begotten Son. How much more could he have loved His own Son that he loved humanity. A sacrifice that broke His heart but nevertheless His Son choose of his own free will out of Love for his father and his beloved children called man.

He gave us the most wonderful greeting to say when we gave of ourselves to talk with the father. He gave us a guide to greet him out of Love and respect. Of whom He was. And what He meant to us. To Humble ourselves before Him in honour of all that he have given us is so many ways. To give thanks in private, to open ourselves in fullness to him as not to hide anything from Him, to have total faith in all that we shared with him. For to love and honour Him for the Holy awesomeness of the parent, protector that he is.

In return He asked us to pay an expensive price. A price with an exact and calculated amount. To love one another as we would love ourselves. To believe that His son is the Christ Jesus, To give Him your heart totally. And to always remember there is no other name under the heavens for salvation, no other but this Jesus Christ. To believe upon Him.

Jesus gave us the will and the hope to go on in very uncertain times of great turmoil and hopelessness, this time of great despair had beaten us down to a state of total surrender. The will to fight anymore had been lost for a great many years. Till this message shown forth a ray of hope, a light shine through the blackness and the void. Something had changed in the heavens that day, that moment had changed mankind forever more.

I would have loved to have been there that day, and to have heard Him speak in great clarity and as one with great authority. To have heard his voice proclaim to all those there that today was the beginning of something quite good. To have seen the sparkle in His eyes when he spoke of all that was to come. To feel in the air all around Him the energy that came forth from him, that declared that he was The Christ that was promised so long ago. That the profits had been fulfilled that very day.

The sermon on the mount study two

Sermon on the Mount

In the Sermon on the mount is were the Word was made in human form to reiterate God̢۪s plane for mankind.( in this point of human history) all the words would now come together to explain wonderfully the plan God had for His Mankind.( His beloved Children). A plan designed by the Father to be carried out by the Son, The decision had to be of the Son's own free will. To continue the Fathers plan of the salvation of humanity or not. He had a choice. He has chosen us.

He spoke as one with authority. His message was one of hope and conviction. He had a plan for the salvation of humanity. And it was here at this time Jesus had chosen to proclaim to all humanity His Fathers plan. The seed had been planted, it was up to humanity to see if it would be nurtured and left to grow. This would be our choice. (free will choice) But with this (free will) it carried even newer implications. For Jesus had not come to change the law but to make it even more binding. That to murder was a sin but know to even contemplate murder was now a sin in the face of God Also. To lust after a woman, even in thought would now be just a sinful as acting upon such a thought.

Jesus told us of a way to pray to the Father with respected to Him for He was the father of all of us. Jesus gave them the example of the (lords Prayer) as a guide.. So in this way they would not be as the pagan who made chants and repeats of a many words that served no purpose but to entertain family and friends of how pious they were. Or even to go as far as to cover their faces with ash and disguises themselves to look like they have been fasting and praying for long periods of time. In a since they had become professional Christians who in face were perfect children of God yet like white washed tombs on the out side all clean and radiant, but on the inside were full of filth and dead men's bones and all uncleanness. Jesus talked of how the builder who is wise and decide to build his house on a rock foundation, ( in this case the truth of the word of God) will overcome many disastrous, as that of a man that builds his home on sand, first good rain (tribulation) and everything will be washed away. There was no foundation of stone to hold the house on the sand, (knowledge of the word) The foundation on rock is a faith built on studding the word of God and living that word everyday for the rest of your life. and not to serve two masters one the world, the sand and one the rock, the father.

It was also taught that to let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and to glorify God, your father. This all an example of what we gain when he is in us and we grow in him in the inside as well as the outside.

Then there began the beatitudes, which we call the blessed are! For they are the light of the world, the salt of the earth.

The beginnings of all is right and good with that of the children of God and all the good blessings that He God had blessed us as His children have received. There is so much wisdom to be learned from these words. So full and rock solid in the truth that they are based in. Jesus had truly come to full fill the Law. Blessed ere those whom seek the word and to someday have the law written upon there hearts. I look forward to that day when the veil of knowledge has been opened to God's children and we shall both see Him and His law and truly understand how great and beneficial it all is for His creation.

Always remember the seeker finds, the asked always gets, whoever knocks is admitted. How is it that these words these concepts so simple are so feared and rejected by the world, it is so simple to understand only because Jesus has given to me His Holy Spirit, this same spirit has made it so simple for me to understand such an idea, yet the world does not see, does not understand even what a child can?

The sermon on the mount is Jesus greatest sermon ever given to humanity in the personage in the flesh of the Son of God ever given in the history of creation. He spoke of one with authority. His message was one of hope and conviction. Follow the road that He has now shown us and we will grow as children do and follow in His footsteps. He gave us free will and a promise never to leave us. He will not fail to live up to His promise. This father would not. Let your light shine as a beacon to others that you belong to Him. He has come to give us hope, and through this sermon gave us so much more. Praise the father, Praise the Son.

Rev. Carl Coglianese


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Online Ordination

Universal Life Church
Dear Amy,

I became a minister in ULC because of my energy work. By that I mean, I use various techniques such as Healing Touch, Quantum Touch and "Laying on of Hands" to channel healing light and energy to individuals who request it. Some times I work long distance (not in the presence of the person asking for assistance) other times, I use my hands to transmit energy into the problem area. That can be a problem legally because many states regulate healing practitioners regardless of modality, but ministers are protected under the freedom of religion in our constitution.

I was advised to become ordained in order to be able to "Lay on Hands". I was so happy to find ULC with its open-ended philosophy. I could easily affirm ULC principles. I believe in the freedom to be me and grant that freedom to all. ULC allows for the infinite expression of Love which is who we all are.

I use my ministry only in my healing work. I make no demands on my clients; do not insist that believe in anything; I give love and light always asking that their highest good be granted.

I'm attaching a picture of me taken at the beach. Hope that works.

Thank you for all that you do at ULC.

Light and Love
Patricia Cockerill


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.  
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Saturday, April 07, 2007

Wiccan Studies

Wiccan at ULC Seminary
RE: Final Essay for Class Course
Wiccan Basic Training by Tracey Loper

Dearest Friends,

Thank you for offering a very informative basic Wicca training course. I learned about the many rituals of the Wicca practices such as celebratory, initiatory, meditation and spell rituals as well as the breakdown or format for performing rituals. I learned about inviting and evoking my Guardians, or Guides, and Angels, as I believe to be present in my time of meditation.

As a result, I set up my own altar for meditations based on the information given in the course. I have made many changes to my altar as my awareness and consciousness has risen. I was able to discern what each tool represented to me on my altar based on the definitions and interpretations the teacher presented.

The section of the Course on the Wiccan Goddesses and figures was fascinating and informative. The information brought me many revelations and I was able to picture many visions as I meditated on these powerful figures.

The Lessons included a discussion about the different aspects of the Wiccan practices and beliefs. Until this course, I was not aware that those who practice Wiccan beliefs and traditions celebrated certain Wiccan holidays as well as having traditions and customs associated with these.

One of my interest in mind when I signed up for this particular course was to learn more about dowsing as I really did not understand the practice, how it worked and got somewhat overwhelmed with the charts and graphs and their meanings. I learned so much about charting and graphing and this was invaluable to me. I even created a very useful chart of my own that I have used in my Spiritual practice and path.

Thank you for offering this elective course. I found it to be beautifully prepared, extremely informative. Lord Starwalker presented the information in such a way that some of the very complex teachings were presented in an easy to understand format. This is especially helpful to a novice such as me. As well, the information was inspiring and beautifully written. I sensed and felt the Divine inspiration from whence the information came as I read the materials.

I appreciate the basics that I learned, as it is helpful in dealing with the varied and diverse spiritual beliefs among my clients and friends. The understanding will help me in my service to All humanity.

Rev. Tracey Loper


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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